Heartfelt Baisakhi Film by Mankind Pharma Honoring Sikh Community’s Legacy of Valor and Compassion


Mankind Pharma, a reputed global pharmaceutical firm, has announced the launch of a significant film and initiative in honour of the Baisakhi festival. Titled Sant Se Komal Hai Jo, Aur Veer Bhi Behad Prabal (संत से कोमल है जो, और वीर भी बेहद प्रबल), this campaign casts a brilliant spotlight on the remarkable narratives of selflessness, compassion, and historic valour of the Sikh community.


Here is the link to the campaign: https://youtu.be/fjShyCARLQg?si=Jwh045TGtxNkUGbV  


As the Baisakhi season unfolds, Mankind Pharma extends a warm invitation to audiences far and wide to embark on a journey into the heartwarming world of the Sikh community through their evocative film This initiative serves as a tribute not only to the vibrant cultural heritage of the Sikh community but also to their steadfast dedication to serving humanity in myriad ways.


Mr. Rajeev Juneja, Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of Mankind Pharma Ltd, expressed his fervent support for the initiative, stating, “At Mankind Pharma, we echo India’s vibrant cultural tapestry.  This film and initiative are our way of honoring the Sikh community’s spirit, particularly their unwavering commitment to service, as exemplified by the core Sikh principle of KarSeva. Throughout our nation’s history, their bravery has been legendary. We aim to pay tribute to these extraordinary acts of service and valour. Baisakhi, a day of immense significance for Sikhs worldwide, is the perfect backdrop to celebrate their heritage, which includes selflessly saving lives and protecting others. We are proud to contribute to this celebration.”


From the simple yet profound act of extending a helping hand to strangers in their hour of need to embodying the timeless courage and resilience of their ancestors, the film captures the very essence of the Sikh ethos. It stands as a poignant reminder of the enduring values of altruism and compassion that have been woven into the fabric of Sikh culture for centuries.