Holistic Wellness Program Organised in Saket Court to Minimize Burnout and Preserve Talent

Holistic Wellness Program Organised in Saket Court to Minimize Burnout and Preserve Talent
Holistic Wellness Program Organised in Saket Court to Minimize Burnout and Preserve Talent

With the sole purpose to transform the lives of the fellow attorneys and fill their lives with a sense of gratitude, Holistic Wellness Program for Lawyers was organized at Saket Court, New Delhi. The program was graced by the most distinguished speaker MAAsterG, who guided all the fellow lawyers on how to live stress-free and grateful lives. 

As we all understand that legal profession is replete with challenges, so navigating through it requires an agile mind and daunting spirit. It’s not an exaggeration to say that lawyers have to embark on an expedition to uphold justice amidst the case files that stack high From handling a long-day at work, to staying up-to-date with the regulatory changes in the law, caselaw, they must be endowed with the ability to quickly grasp the changes happening in their respective practice areas.

The event was organised by Suruchi Aggarwal, Senior Advocate Supreme Court and Arvind Singh, Senior Advocate, Saket District Court. The event attended by hundreds of lawyers. The organizer Suruchi Aggarwal was extremely elated to receive the warm response of lawyers and said, “We’re committed to encouraging holistic health of our lawyers so that they can achieve the harmony between their mind, body and spirit and live a life free from physical illnesses as well as mental breakdown and we assure that more such wellness programs will be channelled in order to carve a model of not only building a better professional life of the lawyers, but also a personal life where there is tranquillity and contentment”. 

The fraternity of lawyers, on the other hand, had their hearts full with gratitude and joy to have been a part of such an event where the whole focus shifted towards the betterment of their complete well-being. “In our journey of legal profession, we have witnessed something so remarkable an event that works for our upliftment and betterment in the true sense of the term and we are also encouraged to step forward in this endeavour and make this a big success” said Hitesh Baisla, Advocate, Saket District Court. 

It, therefore, becomes imperative to maintain the holistic well-being of the community of lawyers so that they can thrive in each dimension of their lives, viz. Emotional, Physical, Intellectual, Spiritual, Occupational and Social. So, the intent behind introducing this Holistic Wellness Program into the fabric of law is to improve upon the working conditions of the lawyers attuned with achieving better work-life balance.