The COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown due to it have changed the functioning of businesses. The pandemic has forced companies to make their employees work from home.
It is highly a not predicted functioning for almost all of the companies as they have never thought of making their workers work from their own home. They’ve realized work from home over a prolonged period is possible. Initially working from home was difficult for many of the employees and it took some time to get used to it, within a very short period, most workers were working as productively from home as they could from their office.
Working from home is not a challenge as these can be overcome using technologies like cloud computing, it will optimize the processes.
The basis is cloud-based
A business that is using cloud computing can easily access anything from anywhere, that is the employee can access everything that he/she was once accessed from office premises. Email is one such example, it is available to every employee regardless of where they are residing. Hence the workforce that is spread across the different regions can communicate easily with each other using email.
Cloud computing lets employees share files either cloud-based platforms or through email. For example, an employee who needs to share complex and detailed designs can easily do so by uploading those documents to the cloud. After uploading the documents, he/she can create a link of the file that is uploaded and share can it with a recipient. Those who receive the link can either download it to their computer or view the file online.
With these features at their fingertips, employees can efficiently work remotely from any region across the country.
Work simultaneously on a project
The cloud lets employees collaborate on a project simultaneously just like they have been done in the office. This means that a team of software developers from different locations can simultaneously read and write the code. Each member can share his/her inputs about the system, so working together the entire team can bring the task to fulfilment. Likewise, professionals in copywriting or advertising can also collaborate on projects faster. They can share anything over the cloud-like images, links, etc., discuss whether they are suitable, and can edit them when needed.
Unlimited storage space
While a computer has only GB of storage space, the cloud has unlimited storage space for storing data. A business can store all the data on the cloud where it is not only secure but also readily available to anyone who needs access to it.