Hyundai brings back life to Billboards- Dooh ventures


In July 2020, a few South Korean citizens passing by Seoul’s COEX Square saw a space where ads and billboards were seen. They were happy at the sight of a computer-simulated wave that was constantly in motion. Created by the digital media company district, this was the world’s first anamorphic DOOH ad.  

Rachana Lokhande, the founder of Glocal Bridge and advisor at the Indian Outdoor Advertising Association, says these ads can be viewed only from a particular angle and have developed in India only recently. She also says Tanish and Hyundai are companies that have done it so far.  

Hyundai became the second brand to use this format in CyberHub at Gurugram to promote its Hyundai Venue car. Vivek Srivastava, joint managing director, Inn Ocean India, mentions that their intent in using DOOH with Anamorphic content is to create a buzz and attract Gen Z customers.   

Inventech, a Laqshya Media Group company, is a tech and content production company in India responsible for executing and creating India’s first 3D anamorphic installation for Tanishq in Mumbai two months back.  

WYSIWYG, along with their partners Vantage and Spotlight, manage the DOOH for Hyundai Venue from production to content. The anamorphic billboard was done by them for Inn Ocean Worldwide India.  

Lokhande says to create any anamorphic illustrations, it needs around 25 lakhs, and the novelty factor will last for two weeks at the maximum. The idea here is that people who view the content in person will push it to social media via their phones, and it will eventually be spreading everywhere.  

Sengupta says that after the success of the ‘wave’ DOOH billboard displayed in Korea, every big brand with the resources and tech ability wanted to explore the possibilities in this field. He also says, “They wanted to create something unique since it was a disruptive realistic creation in DOOH space. Laqshya also has an in-house content development team to help create and process content specifically for the DOOH space.  

According to Sengupta, out of home as a medium offers the biggest canvas in the world to display unique content ideas and says “In India, we need better anamorphic content creation to support DOOH inventory. Audiences always love visuals, so we need to create illusions and delight in the anamorphic content to get the attention of the target audience every single time. Innovation is the key”. 

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