IIFL JITO Ahimsa Run Breaks Guinness World Records for a Peace Campaign with Highest Pledges

IIFL Jito Ahimsa Run Guinness World Records
IIFL JITO Ahimsa Run Breaks Guinness World Records for a Peace Campaign with Highest Pledges

IIFL Jito Ahimsa Run Receives 70,728 Pledges in One Week to Become Guinness World Records Title Holder

MUMBAI [March 28]: IIFL Group, which is one of India’s largest financial services conglomerates, today said that ‘IIFL Jito Ahimsa Run’ is the new Guinness World Records title holder for the highest number of pledges for a peace campaign in one week.

An official judge from Guinness World Records verified and confirmed that IIFL Jito Ahimsa Run received 70,728 pledges online at https://ahimsarun.com/ during the stipulated period (16 March to 23 March 2023) making it the Guinness World Records title holder for the highest number of pledges for a peace campaign in one week.

The IIFL Jito Ahimsa Run is conceptualized and curated by the ladies wing of Jito (Jain International Trade Organization) and is conducted by 67 chapters and 23 countries across the world on April 2, 2023. The IIFL Jito Ahimsa Run aims at creating awareness for a better world to stop wars, hatred and bring peace and nonviolence in our surroundings.

‘Ahimsa’ means forgiveness, positivity, cosmic love, strength and brotherhood. Ahimsa is Shakti and in today’s trying and turbulent times, we all need to come together and show our Shakti (strength). And what better day one can choose for IIFL Jito Ahimsa Run than just before Mahavir Jayanti, when we pay respect to Lord Mahavir – Lord of Forgiveness. This is a run for all communities, genders and age group. The idea of the run is collective strength and inclusion.

The run has been endorsed by many public personalities across India and aims to initiate the younger generation towards peace and nonviolence at an early age to create a future generation where war and violence will become a thing of the past.

The idea of the IIFL Jito Ahimsa Run resonates with IIFL Group’s philosophy – Fairness, Integrity and Transparency – and ‘Seedi Baat’ or straight talk. IIFL Group is a pioneer of financial inclusion in India by providing loans to over 8 million unbanked and underbanked customers and aims to fulfil the dreams of small entrepreneurs across India. IIFL Foundation works towards girl child education, health, poverty alleviation and livelihood on a large scale and has brought over 36,000 out-of-school girls

IIFL Group, founded by Mr. Nirmal Jain has become one of the most successful financial conglomerates in India in just over two decades with distinctly listed businesses – IIFL Finance, IIFL Wealth (360 One), IIFL Securities and 5paisa.com – each in leadership positions in the segments they operate. The group also has two subsidiaries IIFL Home Loan, and IIFL Samasta Finance, one of the largest affordable housing finance and microfinance businesses respectively.