India is the new LatAm when it comes to award shows – Mukund


With a record-breaking 47 medals, including 5 Grand Prix, 8 Gold, 18 Silver, 14 Bronze, and 2 Titanium Lions, India had its best Cannes Lions 2022 ever. 

From a total of 15 Shortlisted entries, VMLY&R India put on a tremendous performance at Cannes Lions this year, taking home 1 Grand Prix, 1 Gold, 4 Silver, and 1 Bronze Lion. For its work named “The Killer Pack,” created for the mosquito repellent brand Maxx Flash, in the Health & Wellness Lions (OTC Products/ Devices sub-category), VMLY&R India won India’s first Grand Prix at Cannes Lions 2022 on Day 1 alone. The Killer Pack is a 100 per cent biodegradable pack coated with Probiotic Bacillus Thuringiensis that kills mosquito larvae when thrown away in trash cans, dustbins, stagnant water, etc. 

How was your overall winning experience at Cannes Lions 2022? Did you anticipate the victories? 

You always hope to win at Cannes, but it’s very difficult to predict. It’s an honour to even be considered, much less to win, among the elite in our field. We’re honoured to be included in those accolades and victories! 

At Cannes Lions, has India had its best year ever? What do you think of the artistic output from India? Is the world beginning to appreciate India’s artistic talent? 

When it comes to award shows, India is the new Latin America! It is evolving into a powerful hub for creativity. And I’m glad more than one agency is involved. Numerous organisations have produced a variety of successful pieces of work. Titanium Lions, Glass Lions, and Grand Prix are being collected. That gives a hint as to where we are going and what is yet to come. We were all filled with pleasure to see an Indian agency honoured as The Agency of the Year. Different works produced by VMLY&R are being honoured in various categories. Both India and we are off to a terrific start with this. 

 How can India maintain its winning streak? Do you believe that advertising efforts are now more about soft selling, empathy, and social responsibility than they are about carefully orchestrated brand push? 

 As consumers become more value-driven, brands must adapt. This is demonstrated by our client’s willingness to work with us on more challenging issues. Businesses must share a shared set of values with their clients to flourish in the commercial challenges of today. We have a lot of power to affect people, and it gives me hope to see how effective and meaningful work is valued. India is only beginning its journey toward becoming recognised on a global scale. The fact that so many agencies from throughout the country were honoured at Cannes during our year was wonderful. With the same dedication to craft and cause, I think we can push the limits of achievement even further! 

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