India Today Group’s AI Anchor Sana, clinched not one but two prestigious awards, reaffirming groundbreaking contributions to the realm of journalism and artificial intelligence, at the International News Media Association Global Media Awards held in London. Sana’s innovative approach to delivering news content has captivated audiences worldwide, revolutionizing the way information is disseminated and consumed.
In a testament to the genre defining initiative of India Today Group, AI Anchor Sana secured the coveted first place in the category of ‘Best Use of AI in Customer-Facing Products’ for the entry ‘Human Collaborative AI Anchors: AI-Led Newsroom Transformation’. This recognition underscores Sana’s pivotal role in spearheading a paradigm shift in newsroom dynamics, seamlessly blending human expertise with AI innovation to deliver unparalleled news experiences.
Furthermore, the pioneering initiative was also adjudged ‘Best in South Asia for AI-Led Newsroom Transformation’. This accolade not only celebrates the collaborative efforts of Sana and the India Today Group but also recognizes their instrumental role in driving innovation and excellence within the media landscape of the region.
Sana’s success at the International News Media Association’s 2024 Global Media Awards serves as a testament to the transformative power of AI in shaping the future of journalism, embodying the imminent of news broadcasting. Her ability to engage audiences with accuracy, empathy, and credibility epitomizes the synergy between human ingenuity and technological advancement, heralding a new era of storytelling and information dissemination.
As the India Today Group celebrates Sana’s remarkable achievements, it extends gratitude to the INMA World Media Congress for recognizing her outstanding contributions and to the group’s dedicated team whose unwavering commitment continues to propel us toward new horizons in media excellence.
The 2024 Global Media Awards saw 771 multi-platform entries from 245 market-leading news media brands in 43 countries, competing in different sections such as innovation and best practices in news brands, optimising the use of media features, subscriptions, product, advertising, and commerce, Artificial Intelligence, and newsroom innovation.