Indians Spend Over 6 Hours on Internet Everyday, Reveals Study


The importance of Internet is growing largely in India, claims a survey. The survey reveals that around 46 percent of internet users in the country spend up to six hours or more a day using the service. On the global scale, around 29 percent Internet users have been accounted globally. But, almost 82 percent of users admit that they fear of missing out when not they are connected and it is the highest globally.

These details were revealed by Tata Communications in the ‘Connected World II’ report. The report captures responses from 9,417 Internet users in six emerging and developed countries includingFrance,Germany,India,Singapore, US andUK.

As per the report, over half of the surveyed Indian Internet users, that is, around 56 percent of them admit they cannot survive for over five hours without Internet connectivity. It adds on that 21 percent of the Indian women feel lost when there is no Internet connection thereby, outshining the men who account only to 16 percent.

The study further claims that tablets and smartphones are swiftly taking over television and account for the preferred screen for twice the surveyed Indians accounting to 43 percent compared to 17 percent Americans and 22 percent Europeans involved in the study.

Regarding this, Tata Communications’ Nextgen Business Chief Marketing Officer and CEO Julie Woods-Moss said that the Internet has changed our lifestyle greatly. As more technologies evolve, there is an enormous possibility for the Internet to penetrate into the users’ life.

The report claimed that 61 percent of the Indian respondents believe that everyone owns the Internet as compared to a larger 70 percent globally. Also, 21 percent point out that every individual country owns its Internet as compared to a lower 16 percent on a global basis. It is revealed by the study that Asian respondents appear to be dependent on Internet largely with less than half the surveyed Singaporeans and Indians capable of lasting up to even 12 hours without access to the service. In comparison, 86 per cent of Germans, 77 percent of French, 75 percent of Americans and 70 percent ofUKrespondents can be so.