India stands second in promoting its own brand image, after China and is known for its emerging markets and also for its home grown brands. The brand building process is a phenomenon. Brand name does not originate soon after the business gets started. It takes time and lot of concentrated efforts to build a brand. The brand building process is itself termed as a left brained approach.
There are firms like Vertebrand which are helping many a companies in India in branding. Vertebrand, the brand value management consultancy firm has tied up with Equancy, an international CRM consultancy, to help the home grown brands gain more visibility in international platforms. It helps to identity the target customers and to create a channel strategy and structure for the specific markets. Vertebrand has proved this is many cases. Some of the notable ones were MTR, TCNS Clothing (Women’s wear), EID Parry refined sugar, Namdhari, F&B Manufacturer and KDDL manufacturers.
According to the opinion of experts, branding is not the only factor which results in a strong brand image. Brand must have quality and the marketers must have the potential to deliver it to the right persons.
Surveys have proved that Infosys has been ranked first on the global stage among the home grown brands and Tata is in the second place. This shows the stand of Indian home grown brands globally. Out of the ten top companies of the world, 7 were from India and the other 3 were Google, Nokia and Facebook, which were ranked 3, 6 and 8 respectively. The Internationally revered marketing guru, Ian Batey has once said that the Indian brands like Infosys, Wipro, Ranbaxy, Reliance and Tetly will be able to challenge the globally accepted western giants in the next 10 years with its emerging power and brand image.
One big example of home grown brands which is often quoted is of  Gopaljee, a desi dairy brand which was initially started as a small shop where other brand dairy products were being sold. But today it has grown to heights and has got nine manufacturing units with a production capacity of 16 to 20 lakh litres of milk every day.
But despite s the acceptances of these home grown brands there are still cases where by certain home-grown brands have not been recognized and realized. Though home grown brands are increasing their visibility to a large extent but it remains debatable that how many companies from India have really been able to make that mark in the global market. Software companies though have been able to make their presence felt but what about other firms except Bharti, Tata and all. Indian companies have a long way to go in creating international brands. Though a good beginning has been made, the question is about sustainability.