Influence of Technology in Healthcare


The facilities of artificial intelligence are vast and favorable to the entire sectors of the globe. The usage of AI is beneficial to overcome the challenges and simplify the entire process.

In the Covid-19 pandemic situation, it creates a challenge in the entire healthcare system and hospital management is forced to overcome the situation. Data management is one of the major issues in the hospital, each data are relevant. The privacy of health data is also a concern, so the hospital management must handle the data securely and accurately.

The involvement of artificial intelligence facilitates the more easier and precious method of data handling. Popular technology companies are such as IBM, Google steps forward to create healthcare data managing products for healthcare advancement. For instance, IBM Watson health develops a comprehensive product to manage healthcare data, Google introduces Deepmind heath, which helps to diagnose the disease as per the symptom by utilizing artificial intelligence.

As per Deloitte’s report, 75% of healthcare organizations are investing 50 million US dollars in technologies or artificial intelligence projects. The hospitality sector focused on technological contribution to healthcare to enrich the operation. Advanced technology can contribute a lot to the healthcare sector to improve the quality of service.

A report by PwC states that 40% of growth will happen in the year 2021 compared to 2014.  Some of the researchers predict up to 6.7 billion US dollars will invest in 2021 for the innovation of AI in the health sector for the improvement of service.

In healthcare, AI has some limitation to finalize the result, the human factor (i.e. healthcare professionals) are necessary for finalization. The AI can help to simplify the way to result and also helps to reduce human errors.

By utilizing the facilities of AI, the predictive methods are more useful to analyze the character of diseases and treat as per the result. The involvement of AL in the healthcare sector improves the quality of treatment and help to set a standard procedure in treatment. Technology always updating itself, so the sectors require to adapt to the changes for the betterment of the future.