Intelligent Automation as a disruptive innovation


Businesses all over the world are in the transition to what is called Digital Transformation (DX). The digital transformations which include Cloud computing, big data analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), IoT, etc are redefining the way businesses deliver value to its customers through innovating the products and processes. Among these disruptive technologies, AI and Intelligent Automation (IA) together have changed the way how business transactions are handled.

As businesses go dynamic, they need to handle a massive amount of data that may be either structured or unstructured. Hence, scalability becomes the greatest challenge for them. Intelligent Automation, which is a combination of both RPA and AI technologies, is the solution that can handle both structured and unstructured data generated. In this digital era of disruptive innovations, Intelligent Automation is ubiquitous. IA eases the process of unstructured data handling and automates the rule-based works that have repetitive nature in the organizations. Businesses implement this IA in the view to gain a competitive edge in the market place.

One might wonder as to whether AI and IA are the same. The fact is that both of these are different. Artificial intelligence is all about algorithms that are programmed to perform human cognitive functions, whereas the concept of IA performs rule-based, highly voluminous, and repetitive work to ensure safety, business, and operational efficiency. Intelligent automation combines the speed and power of Business Process Management, machine learning, and Robotic Process Automation to strategize business goals as well to enhance the customer experience.

Intelligent Automation Software is capable of handling routine manual tasks such as the validation of tasks across the cloud thereby reducing strain on the workforce and harvest benefits like higher productivity, reduced costs, and also improved compliance.

Thus, the powerful combination of Artificial Intelligence and Automation in Intelligent Automation will serve as the basis for solving a wide variety of business problems. Today’s complex digital environment also looks for intelligent and accurate solutions for the analysis which IA can provide. So to reap benefit from Intelligent Automation, organizations need to have a well-defined processing environment where humans can review and approve machine decisions to drive strategic outcomes and results.