Intelligent Virtual Agents to help companies to be nimble during the pandemic


An IVA (intelligent virtual agent) is a human-like, animated chatbot mostly displayed in every home page of websites, and advertisement landing pages. These virtual agents or chatbots come with embedded predefined scripts and responses.

A global pandemic arose just when all the business leaders and trade journalists across the world were locking in on their predictions for this year 2020 as usual. With the coronavirus changing everything including the economy, and businesses across nations of all industries, causing an abrupt change in the expectations of the customers and the operations of the workforce.

Now it has been made obvious that the only thing that businessmen could predict is more change to come as the pandemic, the locking down, and the social distancing has created new models in work and commerce. And it shells out that all businesses must be ready for anything in the coming years.

And here is where IVA comes in, they play an important and essential role in swelling up that readiness. Let’s look at the 3 ways businesses could use this intelligent virtual agent/the animated human-like chatbots, to shoot up the dexterity during the current pandemic and yonder.

Demand scale:

The intelligent virtual agent is a self-service application. It could automate many of the routine convos and back end process, handled by the service or sales staff of the company. In the least expected cases like an influx of questions or string of absenteeism occurs, then IVA could be used as these would be low in expense and could be used rapidly without needing the new employees. And these chatbots are now capable in understanding more than 100 human languages and text to speech responses, making it more efficient and useful. This could also be used in HR support and IT help desk.

Identification of efficiency increase:

IVAs could help business discover new opportunities, a way to work more efficiently with less. This has reduced cost faster in many companies. As these are agents with natural language capabilities, questions like “How can I help you?” or “Please do tell me the reason for your call”- open-ended questions could be configured too. Many advances have been made in IVA over the years making it an efficient tool to increase business performance.

Innovate with speed:

When new opportunities for automation have been discovered, then IVA allows bringing new apps to market quickly. With the platform being code free they can be developed within days instead of months. And changes could be made according to customer needs.

It has been estimated that by the year 2025, customer service organizations that use AI embedded platforms like IVA for engaging customers will have their efficiency increased by 25%. So let us hope for the best!!