Intimation by South Indian Bank -“ Announces Appointment of Mr. Jose Joseph Kattoor as Additional Director

Intimation by South Indian Bank -“ Announces Appointment of Mr. Jose Joseph Kattoor as Additional Director
Intimation by South Indian Bank -“ Announces Appointment of Mr. Jose Joseph Kattoor as Additional Director
The South Indian Bank Ltd., Regd. Office: Thrissur, Kerala
Head Office: S.I.B. House, T.B. Road, P.B. No: 28, Thrissur – 680001, Kerala
(Tel) 0487-2420 020, (Fax) 91 487-244 2021, e-mail:
CIN: L65191KL 1929PLC001017, Toll Free (India) 1800-102-9408, 1800-425-1809 (BSNL)
National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.,
Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor,
Plot No.C/1, G Block,
Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E),
Mumbai – 400 051.
BSE Ltd.
Department of Corporate Services (Listing),
First Floor, New Trading Wing,
Rotunda Building, P J Towers,
Dalal Street, Fort,Mumbai – 400 001.
SCRIP CODE: 532218
Dear Madam/Sir(s),
Sub: Intimation under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements), Regulations, 2015.
Pursuant to Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligation & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations
2015, we hereby inform that Mr. Jose Joseph Kattoor (DIN: 09213852) has been appointed by the
Board of the Bank as Additional Director (Non-Executive Independent Director) w.e.f. July 18, 2024.
A brief profile of Mr. Jose Joseph Kattoor (DIN: 09213852) is enclosed.
Please take the above information and annexure to the letter pursuant to the requirements of
Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligation & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 on record.
The aforesaid information is also being hosted on the website of the Bank
The South Indian Bank Ltd., Regd. Office: Thrissur, Kerala
Head Office: S.I.B. House, T.B. Road, P.B. No: 28, Thrissur – 680001, Kerala
(Tel) 0487-2420 020, (Fax) 91 487-244 2021, e-mail:
CIN: L65191KL 1929PLC001017, Toll Free (India) 1800-102-9408, 1800-425-1809 (BSNL)
Reason for change Appointment
Date of appointment
Term of appointment
With effect from July 18, 2024.
As Non-Executive Independent Director. Mr. Jose Joseph Kattoor (DIN:
09213852) shall hold office for a period of three (3) consecutive years, subject
to the approval of Shareholders of the Bank, with effect from 18th July, 2024.
The Bank will seek shareholders’ approval in due course.
Brief profile Mr. Jose Joseph Kattoor (DIN: 09213852), aged 61 years, have an extensive
work experience in Reserve Bank of India (RBI), for a period of more than
32-years. He retired as Executive Director of RBI in June, 2023. He has retired
from the service after heading four Departments as Executive Director, viz.
Enforcement Department, Corporate Strategy Department, Currency
Department and Human Resource Department of RBI.
Mr. Jose Joseph Kattoor, holds BSc degree, PGDRM(IRMA), LLB, CAIIB,
AMP(Wharton). Presently he is acting as Independent Director at Receivables
Exchange of India Ltd (RXIL) and also playing role of Senior Consultant on
regulatory matters to a top legal firm.
Disclosure of
between directors
Mr. Jose Joseph Kattoor (DIN: 09213852) is not related to any Directors of
the Bank.
We affirm that Mr. Jose Joseph Kattoor (DIN: 09213852) is not debarred from holding the office of
Director by virtue of any order of Securities and Exchange Board of India or any other such authority.