Jealous Parents by TBWA: LEAD Powered Schools


Giving one’s child a proper education is every parent’s desire. Nothing less in standard seems to satisfy parents when it comes to educating their children. But the ways to get one’s child to earn his/her academics are more of a challenge nowadays. As the schools are far from opening any sooner in the future context, online education is the last resort.

LEAD which is an Ed-tech company, launched a TV commercial with TBWA/India, which is a global advertising agency, featuring a short video in which a mom and dad are seen talking about their son, and telling how jealous they are but in a good way. They are jealous because of the magnitude of exposure their son is getting than what they had when they were of his age. They can’t even clear their doubts properly when asked and instead are getting schooled every day by their son.

In a way, they are kind of proud to see their son grow and develop into the person he is going to be. Their son is a genius now because he is a student of the LEAD Powered school, as shown in the clip. The TVC film reflects a change in the mindsets about new and old ways of schooling. It offers a real peek into the emotional conversation from the parent’s point of view, which is something that had been left untouched so far.

LEAD Powered Schools solve the problem of parents looking to provide quality education, to their children but feeling constrained due to lack of options, by providing international standard education in Indian small towns, which is LEAD’s core market. The underlying thought of the campaign is a beautiful insight that taps the emotion of parents who want their children to be well educated and in the process learn from them.

Today’s parents have to deal with an entirely new playing field of education, and the pressure to choose wisely is heavy. LEAD Schools are one of such choices that a progressive parent can make knowing that they have selected a compelling and dynamic learning opportunity for their children. Through the TVC, LEAD has tried to bring this to life playfully, while concentrating on this eventually satisfied and sweet feeling of parents being jealous of their child.

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