Kellogg’s India launches “#PassTheBowl” campaign amidst the lockdown


Kellogg’s, the leading breakfast cereal brand in India has launched a user generated content campaign titled #PassTheBowl urging the consumers to not skip their breakfast in lockdown. This is the third campaign from Kellogg’s during the lockdown period. The 50 seconds campaign video was shot remotely and individually by users from different parts of the country.

With work-from-home gaining popularity amid the lockdown, there are chances that people will tend to skip their breakfast. Kellogg’s has found the right opportunity to remind and deliver the message to its consumers in a fun and gentle way. The campaigns message of not to skip breakfast is in line with the brand’s motive of ‘Nourishing India’s Potential’.

The #PassTheBowl video which combines user generated videos of them passing their bowl of Kellogg’s cereals to one another has been launched on Kellogg’s official digital and social media handles on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, with the description “There is nothing better than sharing a nutritious and tasty breakfast with your loved ones!” The video ends with the message, “Don’t let your loved ones skip breakfast. Kellogg’s India with this campaign has displayed a good tactics in marketing their brand in the time of crisis, through engaging their consumers.

“Our philosophy at Kellogg is to engage consumers with authentic content, which is consistent with our brand ethos. This is the third agile campaign from the house of Kellogg’s in the current environment. With #PassTheBowl, we once again partner the home-maker / mother and play a role in reminding consumers to not forget to have a wholesome breakfast.”,says, Sumit Mathur, director-marketing, Kellogg South Asia.

Earlier, HUL had partnered with UNICEF in fighting Covid-19 and had launched a campaign titled “#BreakTheChain / #VirusKiKadiTodo”. It was a mass communication campaign to increase awareness among public to fight the pandemic. Recently, Acer India, had announced ‘Back to School’ campaign, for helping students to get a new Acer laptop computer easily for ensuring they continue their learning. For this scheme, Acer has partnered with EduThrill an EdTech company that specialises in gamification to deliver tests and assessment tools and integrating fun element to their learning process.