As the nation strides forward in its electoral progression towards the Lok Sabha Elections 2024, Khul Ke, an innovative homegrown Indian-centric platform dedicated to fostering meaningful conversations, proudly announces the launch of its exclusive series “Chunavi Charcha 2024”. The series will be co-hosted by Khul Ke’s Executive Editor, Mr. Vishal Dahiya, and Senior Editor Harsh Ranjan.
“Chunavi Charcha 2024”, with Khul Ke’s Editorial team, senior journalists and political analysts from across the country, will a deep dive into the electoral strategies of political parties, their promises and manifestos, dynamics of alliance politics, and the issues and aspirations of voters in different states and constituencies. Their team of professionals will also present detailed profiles of key constituencies and conduct interviews with key stakeholders in the election process.
The esteemed guests of the series, such as Bhupendra Yadav, Union Cabinet Minister of Labour and Employment, Environment, Forest and Climate Change; Jitendra Singh,General Secretary, Congress; and Arun Govil, BJP Candidate from Meerut, were featured in individual episodes, lending their expertise to provide insightful information and analysis on various aspects of the upcoming elections. As the series progresses, forthcoming episodes will feature a diverse array of MLAs and ministers, offering audiences a broad spectrum of perspectives and insights.
“Chunavi Charcha 2024” isn’t just informative, it’s the ultimate resource for understanding the Lok Sabha Elections 2024. Offering unparalleled insights into the complex dynamics of alliances and the key voter concerns, it empowers viewers to make informed decisions.
In the upcoming episodes a diverse roster of prominent political candidates will be seen on Khul Ke platform. The series becomes an essential tool for active participation in the democratic process. The series will be exclusively available on Khul Ke, will air every day at 9 PM, providing easy access to viewers across the country. “Chunavi Charcha 2024” will provide insightful discussions and updates on the Lok Sabha Elections 2024, with viewers getting access to the depth analysis of constituencies on Saturdays.