LehLah, a pioneering fashion-tech platform, has announced its latest collaboration with Bollywood sensation and fashion icon, Athiya Shetty. In an exciting endeavor, LehLah is set to unveil exclusive pieces from Athiya’s personal wardrobe exclusively on its app, granting users access to her unique style in a campaign titled ‘Your Closet.’
Continuing their successful partnership, LehLah launches another campaign featuring Athiya Shetty. In this new video, Athiya personally invites users to explore her curated collection, making it easy for them to adopt her iconic style through the LehLah app. For the first time, users can shop directly from Athiya’s personal closet, adding a unique touch to their wardrobe while supporting a worthy cause.
In a heartfelt gesture, the proceeds from this collaboration will be directed towards Vipla Foundation, supporting their noble cause of empowering women and children.
Here is the link to the video: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaXk8a6ijdA
 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4VdYvEMkrZ/
Commenting on her collaboration for the campaign, Athiya Shetty said, “I am thrilled to share a part of my personal style journey with everyone through LehLah. Fashion is not just about what you wear, but how it makes you feel, and I hope my pre-loved fashion collection inspires confidence and individuality in all who explore it on the app.”
Ashna Ruia, Founder of LehLah, further added, “Collaborating with Athiya has been an absolute joy. Her innate sense of style and commitment to empowering others aligns perfectly with LehLah’s ethos. Together, we are not just offering fashion; we’re fostering a community of self-expression and support, all while contributing to a cause close to our hearts.”
LehLah continues to lead the way in fashion-tech innovation, delivering unparalleled access to exclusive styles and personalized experiences.