LinkedIn extends new features for marketers


One of the largest online professional platforms that connect millions of people – LinkedIn. It has come up with another innovative feature to assist marketers to reach a wide audience amplify their content and brand them. This will automatically help in growing their business internationally.

This new addition of features is being done on LinkedIn Marketing Solutions (LMS), marketer will easily track their campaign and generate useful insights for users. As marketing is transforming from traditional to digital to a wide extent. This raises the competition is the same platforms with their own unique brand strategies.

Few tools inserted to showcase the features includes 

Boost, as the name suggests marketers will able to boost their organic post as Paid ads, Just by clicking the boost button and some details. They can filter out their best performer post and apply the same for it.

Events ads will be used to highlight the events its date, medium to join, and time scheduled to an entirely new audience as well as mutually interested people. They can modify it into an eye-catchy presentation to bring more participants

Custom StreamingStreaming always works on any platform so in Linkedin also data reveals that people here love to see live streams by influencers it shows an exponential rise of 400%.LinkedIn Live streams can be easily broadcast through zoom, OBS, and WebEx. Microsoft Teams is in line after few months it will also enable it.

Mobile Page Analyticswith these tools LinkedIn mobile App will provide all features to follow insights, LinkedIn page working, Organic or paid ads.

Director of LinkedIn Marketing Solutions for India, Sachin Sharma mention that in this unpredictable time marketers have seen many volatile changes in the market, their true asset now is Time. The understanding to covert organic ads into paid creates a big difference. These Added features inLinkedIn Marketing Solutions (LMS) will help them to tackle more responsibilities and helps them to manage the multi-task at the same time. 

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