Low code development platform


Low code development platform, a software development environment utilizes a graphical user interface to generate application software instead of traditional hand-coded computer programming.

LCDP generates fully functional apps or requires additional coding for specific scenarios reduce the amount of traditional hand-coding, allowing commercial applications to be delivered faster. A common advantage is that a broader spectrum of people, not just those with coding abilities contribute to the application’s development.

LCDPs reduce the cost of setup, training, deployment, and maintenance in the long run. Fourth-generation programming language and quick application development tools of the 1990s and early 2000s gave birth to LCDPs founded on the same concepts as their preceding development environments.

Model-driven design, automatic code generation, and visual programming are all examples of concepts of end-user development that had been around for a while, but LCDPs introduced several novel approaches to it.

No-code development platforms were dubbed “extraordinarily disruptive”, businesses have broadly distributed computers across their staff bases as a result of the microcomputer revolution, allowing widespread automation of corporate processes through software.

Software automation and new applications for business processes put pressure on software developers to create custom apps in large quantities while adapting them to specific business processes that fit the specific requirements of organizations. Low-code development platforms allow the rapid building and use of working applications that solve the organization’s specific process and data needs.

Market success of low-code development can be due to its flexibility and simplicity and are focusing on the main function of apps, with the possibility to add custom code when needed or preferred.

A greatly compelling reason to use low-code development platforms is their mobile accessibility. Rather than developers having to spend time developing multi-device applications, Low-code packages often include this feature as standard learned by almost anyone in a software development environment because it requires minimal coding skills. Users may visualize and build the application with features like drag and drop interfaces.

Concerns about security and compliance edit Security and compliance concerns about low-code development platforms growing, especially for apps that exploit customer data and security created so quickly, as well as a probable lack of appropriate governance leading to compliance difficulties may arise.

Low-code apps, on the other hand, are a source of security innovation easier to establish secure data pipelines when you keep continuous app development in mind. Despite this, low-code development platforms that don’t require any programming are still available.

Applying and rigidly adhering to Normalized Systems Theory does not alleviate the problem of growing complexity as a result of the change. Some IT professionals wonder if LCDP is appropriate for large-scale, mission-critical enterprise applications. Others have questioned whether or not these platforms make development more affordable or simple.

Furthermore, several CIOs have raised worry that internal adoption of LCDP could lead to an increase in unsupported shadow IT applications.

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