Dec 16, 2012: Micromax known for its cost effective phones has launched a Android phone A68 smarty with a 4 inch screen. The A68 Smarty which has got a TFT IPS panel and Android 4.0 (ICS) operating system is powered by a 1GHz processor. The phone has got 512 MB RAM and an internal memory of 4GB. The memory can be expanded upto 32 GB. Micromax A68 smarty which is aggressively priced at Rs.6, 499 has got 2G connectivity, Bluetooth 3.0 and wifi. A68 Smarty has got a 5MP camera with LED Flash and offers 5 hours of talk time supported by a 1,600mAh battery.
Home Articles Latest from Marketing World Micromax launches A68 smarty with 4 inch screen at Rs. 6,499