Microsoft unveils an initiative for the Asia Pacific Startups


Microsoft for startups unveils the Highway to a Hundred Unicorns inventiveness to build up the zone’s launching ecosystem. The 56 startups were selected to take part in Microsoft’s Emerge X program from six states, home to higher than 15,000 startups.

The Emerge X opposition awarded excellent startups with worldwide access support with world-class mentors for a 3-day founder boot camp, artificial intelligence, gain to funding, continuing mentorship, advice on Azure, machine learning, and more. The initiative is now enlarging to 16 countries across the Asia Pacific. Innovation is considered as a critical factor to unlock comprehensive economic growth in the region. Economies of high income invest three times more in research and development when contrasted to their colleagues.

To become a truly global enterprise in the future, Microsoft will work interactively with governments and industry partners to innovate and nurture technology startups with great potential to encourage innovative entrepreneurship. Vanessa Sorenson, Microsoft New Zealand Managing Director commented “we are now more looking to innovative enterprises to bring new concepts to the New Zealand economy”. “We are a country of digital explorers and innovators so this startup is unbelievably exciting, to assist and strengthen startups to grow into strong and developing businesses.

Today’s innovators are tomorrow’s Microsoft, and therefore I truly strengthen New Zealand startups to present their ideas so we can work united to bring their aim to life. “Emerge X Competition”. Innovators and developers from 16 countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos, Maldives, Nepal, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines) are invited to take part in the Highway to a Hundred Unicorns Initiative.

Startups will have to first apply for Emerge X oppositions to participate in their countries. To apply for Emerge X competition for startups there are some basic criteria: Income generating with at least 3-4 clients for Business-to-Business with the product-market fit, companies with a large customer base (above 100k customers) for Business-to- customer and revenue-generating. Funding is a critical factor.

All Emerge X startups will be gifted with free GitHub and Azure credits and technology workshops. Three competitors per country will be declared in November. They will further advantage from a year-long consultant with mechanical and business deep dives, a Founder Boot camp over three days, globally access through Microsoft’s unique co-sell program as well as chances to interact with Microsoft experts and industry stalwarts.