Microsoft working with Spotify for its new focus sessions feature


Microsoft has been integrating audio streamer Spotify into Windows11 as a part of main the Focus session feature, which helps users complete tasks while listing their favorite music.

The short video clip has been on Twitter about the working of this new feature by chief product officer Panos Panay.

The company still has not started testing this new feature in public builds of Windows 11, but from the shared video, it seems to be like, that it’s been build into the operating systems clock app.

In the clock app, a fervent panel for Spotify can be often seen under the focus sessions tab. This feature allows setting a focus timer and accomplishing the tasks while listening to music on Spotify. On this page, above the timer, the list of Tasks will be seen, and also the Spotify panel is to right.

Pomodoro Technique is the process of managing time by breaking it down into smaller chunks together with short breaks. Since windows had retired its Groove music service in 2017, this can be the first time the significant Spotify integration in Windows.

Microsoft has associated with Spotify to follow up the Groove Music subscribers and playlists over the rival music streaming service.

Previously both Microsoft and Spotify have worked together on Windows 10 app and also a separate app for Xbox consoles. The new feature has been added to the Alarms, and clock app which has been renamed as Clock for Windows 11.

The convenience of having the ability to pick out a Spotify playlist without having to leap into the total app may be a unique tackle to Windows 10’s current accessibility and functionality.

In the future, there will continue teases of new app designs or functionality coming from the company.

The focus session has been divided into four sections which will allow the users to create several tasks, view daily progress, a ready set, a focus section to trigger custom timers, and integration where third-party services can be accessed.

Using the Spotify integration, we can select music playback for a focusses session. Also, the app’s other features are Timers, Stopwatch, and World clock.  It will be a default app in Windows 11.

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