Mintel predicts three trends set to take markets by storm in 2022


Mintel, a leading global market research and market intelligence agency, has reported three trends that will impact global consumer markets in 2022.

From market analysis to recommendations, Mintel puts forward a comprehensive evaluation for companies and brands to act on, in the next twelve months.

The three trends are ethics, sense of control, and enjoyment.

Ethics: Companies usually make their opinion clear on controversial topics. While this is the case, the consumers want to see actual progress in line with their goals on the part of companies. They are eager to see persisting and measurable efforts from companies to address such issues in the future.

Sense of Control: People are eager to have a sense of control in their lives in times of uncertainty. Brands can create this sense of owning their lives by delivering information and choices to consumers. Misinformation and insecurities disrupt their sense of security, and they demand clarity and transparency on these fronts.

Enjoyment: Covid has robbed people of their opportunities to enjoy real life, and consumers crave to have it back. They are eager to go out and explore, embrace and enjoy new experiences both in the real and virtual world.

Matthew Crabbe, the Director of Mintel Trends, APAC, has a clear view of these trends and how they are going to affect markets and brands. He commented that Mintel is best equipped to predict consumer behaviour and what it means in the future for brands and markets.

Mintel’s outlook on global consumer behaviour was expanded to 10 years, and the result – Mintel’s 2030 Global Consumer Trends (the seven Mintel Trend Drivers) – has developed into a living, growing, prediction model that can adapt to unforeseen futures.

He further said, “Looking ahead to 2022, our trend analysis and prediction research are grounded by observations of the seven Trend Drivers over the last 18 months and backed by Mintel’s robust consumer and market data, predictive analytics, action-oriented insights and expert recommendations.”

Pandemic accelerated many of the shifts in markets, and Mintel holds merit in the fact that it was able to analyse and predict these changes, and could inspire business decisions across industries.

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