Nestle is big manufactures and market which provides a broad variety of beverage and food products including processed milk, coffees, and other instant drinks, culinary products, infant foods, chocolate and confectionery, pet foods, nutritional snacks, and accessories. Recently Nestle is back again in talks but not for a decent reason, there was some leaked document circulated which bring doubts to their Quality aspects and question their main motto of the brand “Good Food Good Life”.
More than 60% of their food and drinks product didn’t match the quality health standard, this packaged processed food is unhealthy. Their major revenue is generated from this Food and Drinks sales and marketing.
There is no such mention of any baby food portfolio in leaked documents, still, names like San Pellegrino Orange drink and Nesquik mentioned there. Nestle defends it by mentioning that it has reduced sugar and sodium for the past many years.
In Nestle’s drinks and food portfolio, 70% of products fail to score even 3.5 under Australia’s health star rating system according to the Financial Times report. Further 96% of beverages and 99% of ice cream and confectionery do not meet the healthy criteria in full.
All-time favorite Maggie there is already speculation of a high amount of sodium into it and Nestea includes a high range of sugar than required.
Pandemic teaches us that no avoidance of health will be tolerated. Reports like this force people to think and disturb their trust with brands. In a fast-moving lifestyle, this packet of food saves their time but if this damages their health then it’s not a fair deal. Urban people were crazy for the packaged food it’s included in their everyday snack time. Juices are considered as supply of vitamin and protein in contrary the quality measures show another picture or reality of these products