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HomeArticlesNew Apple ad features panicked 911 calls through apple watch

New Apple ad features panicked 911 calls through apple watch

Apple’s latest ad about the apple watch product demonstrates how the watch can help people in an emergency. The ad shows recorded 911 calls from three individuals who required medical attention.

In the ad, we hear Amanda’s conversation with 911 dispatch. She explains through the apple watch that she has met with a car accident and that the car has flipped over. She also says that water has been getting in the car and, she cannot seem to get out of the car.

We also hear the police asking if she was alone and had tried to get out or break a window. Amanda replies that she was alone and she had tried possible methods to get out of the car but, the water kept rising and she needed help quick.

The ad then cuts to the next segment about Jim who, was paddle boarding in the sea but, a strong wind forced him far into the ocean line. He immediately calls 911 and explains his situation. The police respond by telling him to keep being online while the dispatch comes to help him.

The next segment shows Jason, a farmer, who has fallen 21 feet from a height and onto the ground. He calls 911 and explains his condition to which the police reply that the dispatch will be arriving soon at his location. Jason states that he has fallen and, since his leg has been broken, he couldn’t get close to his cellphone. He says that he is calling from his apple watch.

The brand is trying to signify the importance of the apple watch in urgent situations like these. When a person has an apple watch with them that carries cellular data, they would not require their phone for some parts of the day.

While the watch might seem pointless at first, accidents like the ones mentioned above can prove that having an apple watch may be beneficial than one thinks.

Jason who had fallen from a height, could not reach his cellphone that was in his farmhouse. But thanks to his apple watch, he could call 911 to dispatch an ambulance quickly.

The watch can also keep track of a person’s health records in the health app. At the end of the ad, the brand states that with the help of the apple watch, Jim, Jason and Amanda were saved in minutes.

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