News18 Gujarati completes one year as the top Gujarati News Channel in Gujarat. The news channel has been dominating the ratings in Gujarat for the past 30 weeks. For many years, News18 Gujarati has delivered updates and news with utmost authenticity and integrity. The channel’s strong focus on accuracy, reliability, and viewer satisfaction has resulted in remarkable success in attaining the #1 spot across multiple platforms.
According to recognized analytics tools – Crowdtangle, Tubebuddy, and Social Blade, News18 Gujarati has recorded a whopping 63 million views on YouTube and gathered a total of 186 million views on Facebook making it Gujarat’s most-viewed news channel on digital platforms as of January 2024. With the channel’s outstanding popularity on digital platforms, it has now cemented its position as the most popular news platform in Gujarat.
Mr. Mitul Sangani- CEO- Indian Languages Business said “News18 Gujarati’s uninterrupted 52-week leadership underscores our dedication to providing top-quality content that resonates deeply with our statewide audience. With programming that caters to both urban and rural Gujarat, we offer comprehensive coverage to a diverse set of audience. Our expanded digital viewership has propelled News18 Gujarati to the forefront of news platforms in the state. The significant growth in our viewership is inspiring, and we are committed to maintaining and broadening our impact.”
News18 Gujarati’s constant quest for excellence, along with its unmatched coverage of exclusive breaking news, has set new standards in the regional media industry. The channel is known as ‘The Voice of Gujarat’.[1] With a strong lineup of Prime Time shows and news anchors, News18 Gujarat delivers programs that provide unique perspectives and simplify news for its audience.