Nu-Shakti shows the need for micronutrients in the new TVC campaign


#AskMoreFromYourDrink campaign highlights the role of vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients in building immunity in real life for fighting the monstrous diseases we may face in the coming days. This new commercial of 20 seconds shows a cartoon skit wherein the central character is fighting a monster.

Emphasizing the importance of building immunity, Nu-Shakti a Royal DSM brand has launched a new TVC campaign directing on its MixMe beverage powder, highlighting the product potential as an immunity building drink. Based on the theme #AskMoreFromYourDrink, the commercial emphasis the various micronutrients that help in staying healthy and building immunity.

The commercial portrays a cartoon skit wherein the central character is formulating to flight a monster. The main character grabs a magic potion and after he drinks it, he glows and gains power, eventually, he defeats the monster with his strength. Through this, the commercial highlights the need for various micronutrients that help in staying healthy and building immunity.

The present health crisis caused by the coming of the covid-19 pandemic has made it very clear how critical is it to have robust immunity. It reveals the importance of building a good immune system. In order to build strength and also resilience in the body’s natural defence and wellbeing, it is important to take in immunity building micronutrients. This TVC thus highlights the fact of drinking such drinks to gain strength, in such situations were strong immunity is our only weapon.

It’s actually easy to get power and strength in cartoon skits but not necessarily this can happen in real life. So we need much more to the immunity we need to have to face the present crisis. The commercial emphasis on this via its MixMe Beverage Powder, which is a nourishing drink that fulfills this need.

Alok Kohli, the business director, DSM India, says “There is increased awareness around building immunity in the last few months and customers are wanting products that will help them achieve this objective. The #AskMoreFromYourDrink campaign has creatively encouraged buyers to seek immunity building nutrients in their real lives.

“This campaign will be led by television and digital platforms, including all social media platforms and OTTs. Besides this, the brand will engage with a peer-to-peer network of mothers, micro and nano influencers to amplify awareness and spark conversations in the digital space.