Nua brings actor Deepika Padukone’s heartwarming period story to encourage Period Talk in India


India, 27th May 2022: This World Menstrual Hygiene Day, Fem-tech brand Nua aims to overcome yet another menstruation taboo by sharing Deepika Padukone’s period story. The ‘Period Story’ video film by Nua is actor Deepika Padukone’s heartwarming childhood story of being educated about the period even before her school started menstrual education. 

“I will never forget this moment where my best friend (Divya) and I were sat down by both of our mothers and her mom took charge of guiding us about periods – from explaining ‘what periods are’ to ‘why it happens’, ” shared Deepika in the video“I am really grateful for how she took us through this conversation with extreme comfort, empathy, and patience. I look back on it as one of the most notable moments while growing up, and I wish to spread the word across the world in a similar manner”, she further expressed.

With the ‘Period story’, “Nua aims to encourage period talk for pre-teen children. Period Talk is a conversation that does not deserve a hushed tone. For children, be it girls or boys, parents need to start the conversation with them early and slowly so that their understanding can be built before puberty hits. It is also essential that as you build their knowledge on the topic, you guide them through it with utmost comfort and patience so that they never take it as an uncomfortable topic”, adds Ravi Ramachandran, Founder, and CEO, Nua.