OLA comes up with 5 Layers of Safety


This is a time when people are not confident enough to go out and travel. The Coronavirus pandemic had driven us indoors, and our fate was sealed by the lockdowns. The past few months have been difficult for the mind as well as the body. While the Coronavirus threat still looms large, as far as the lockdowns go, there are no pressures. Currently, we are in an unlocking stage and can go out.

Many offices have reopened, and while they are all following the mandated safety precautions, it’s a challenge for employees to get to work. They’re worried about the risk of public transport infection. Not everyone has a vehicle, so they do not want to take a taxi. So Ola has released an ad for such folks that advertises its ‘hail an auto’ offering with an idea of ‘5 layers of safety’.

  1. The autos are cleaned before every ride.
  2. They are fumigated thrice a week.
  3. There is a protective screen between the driver and the rider.
  4. The drivers have regular temperature checks.
  5. They always wear masks.

Uber is the major competitor offering similar services. The general manager of Uber, North and West India, Shiva Shailendran, said, “As people resume traveling in the ‘new normal,’ we are seeing low-cost goods, particularly in the auto segment, recovering faster compared to other modes. With the robust in-app protection steps, efficient door-to-door service, and competitive rates, we are sure that the autos can recover more quickly than other modes.

The Executive Creative Director of the ad film agency, Leo Burnett Orchard, Mr.Amod Dani said, “People are stepping out slowly and the Business is catching up, but with the necessary restrictions and protective measures. Ola’s ‘5 layers of safety’ advertisement is a way to ensure travellers to move out with a feel of security. They decided to make sure all such protection features come through realistically.”

He also said that people would have safety doubts, but there will always be people who will help bring in the sense of conviction. The conversation between the work colleagues is meant to reflect that. We ensured that the conversation was reassuring and appropriately indexed on the specific safety codes. In times like these, safety and caution are a priority, and that’s why Ola Auto’s ‘5 layers of safety’ needed to be clearly defined.