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Over 538K consumers are looking for an immersive experience in Web 3.0 reveals Tonic Worldwide’s Gipsi X-Factor report

22nd November 2022, Mumbai: GIPSI, the HI+AI insights division of Tonic Worldwide launches X-Factor report which highlights the importance of user interface of apps, and websites for enhanced digital transformation of brands.  

In the last 2 years, with the pandemic pushing the digitization agenda, e-commerce and digital presence has taken the center stage. Many brands have gone through a digital spin and enhanced their online presence. This Gipsi report focuses on what additional features and resulted insights marketers need to keep in mind to enhance the UI/UX of these apps in the coming year.

UI/UX is one of the top skills in demand because, for the consumer to love your website or App it requires both, UI and UX. 

GIPSI brings together 7 compelling insights for building your brand. It does it with its HI+AI methodology using digital data including 100+ websites and apps. 

Key Highlights of the GIPSI Report:

  • First X Factor: Personalization: It is crucial to understand the need for ‘Personalization’ to delight the consumers without being creepy. Personalize but don’t cross the line! 53K+ conversation interest around personalized features. 91K+ conversation interest around personalized games. 

Implication: Anticipatory design is the secret sauce for personalization. Build it by using Season & temperature, Geo-location, browsing trend, search habit, likes & dislikes, gender preference, time habits, cart content. The brand which masters the balancing act will be a step closer to winning the consumer.

  • Second X-Factor: Verisimilitude Experience: UI/UX is the missing ingredient in the success of web 3.0. Passive engagement to mere active engagement is not enough for the consumers to accept metaverse. They are seeking verisimilitude experience. 538K+ are excited for an immersive experience in Web3.0. 

Implication: Get your edge in web 3.0 with the X-factor to match up to the high experience expectations. 

  • Third X-Factor: Experiential UI/UX: Indulge and assure with virtual try-on. Trials are deal breakers for many brands in the offline world as they indulge and assure the consumers before buying. The virtual try-on is a great way to simulate the experience.

Implication: AR is the key technology for experiential UI/UX. All top beauty apps (Nykaa, Purplle, MyGlamm, Smytten) have virtual try on which help consumers get experience before the experience

  • Fourth X-Factor: Interface Delight : In the race of going digital with your business, don’t forget to invest in interface delight. Just turning your offline offering into an app is not enough. Pay close attention to the app and the website reviews to keep a check on the delight. 31.7K+ social mentions on the app interface experience in the last three months. 

Implication: Grab a brownie point for the brand for a great interface, (a) Be transparent and communicate for users’ clarity (tell them what’s going on), (b) Don’t take their memory test; build familiarity with intuitive design. Don’t rely on their recall memory, (c) mental hierarchy: Prioritize the information in terms of usage, (d) Declutter and Go simple: Make decision making simple with simpler design, (e) Allow them to change their minds: Give options to reverse the action, (f) Don’t let anything come in the way of action: Apply Fitts’s Law to interactive elements; a large button for a quick click

  • Fifth X-Factor: Voice Experience: Brands are on mute and there’s a huge opportunity in unmuting. 16K+ conversations on only 4 voice assistants in the last three months! More than 50% of all smartphone users are engaging with voice search technology. Unleash the voice to bring out the X-factor of your brand. Millions of brands but only a few voices – Siri, Alexa, Google, Cortana… 

Implication: How does your brand sound? Add voice to the brand personality. Start by adding voice function as a search option on your app/website but invest in your own brand voice technology to stand out from the existing voice options

  • Sixth X-Factor: Inclusive Experience: UI/UX has the potential to make brands more inclusive and be more humane. Design for all should be the mantra as over 15% (>1 Bn) of the world’s population have disabilities and this number will increase to double by the year 2050.  253Mn of the world’s population are affected by some form of blindness and visual impairment. 14K+ social media conversations in favor of UI/UX for people with disabilities in last 3 months.

Implication: Inclusivity is the need of the hour. Make it happen with UI/UX for the specially abled consumers by optimizing font sizes, improving color contrast, supporting with screen readers (audio assistants), keeping adequate line spacing and large tap target, adding longer timeout

  • Seventh X-Factor: Diversity Experience: Diversity is the new hygiene which can be offered with design. Authentic representation of language, skin, gender and more can increase the EQ points for your brand.  58% of Gen Z shoppers have purchased a fashion item outside of their gender identity. 79% of men and women are looking to purchase more gender-fluid clothing in the future. 72.1 % of customers prefer to use websites in their native tongue for most of their online activities.

Implication : Be multilingual, be mindful to preferred pronouns, be sensitive to skin tone and sizes. If you’re not keeping diversity in mind in UI/UX then you’re always upsetting certain cohorts

Anjali Malthankar, National Strategy Director, Tonic Worldwide said, “Pandemic definitely got a lot of marketers to move their businesses to digital with apps and websites. But only intent and presence is not enough, is the point the UI/UX-Factor report is trying to make. If UI/UX is used as a brand building block it can conquer the next digital frontier. From Personalization to Verisimilitude in Metaverse, from Diversity to Inclusivity and from Voice to Experiential, the UI/UX is the X-Factor that needs to be explored and recognized as a powerful brand building block.”

Commenting on the report, Unmisha Bhatt, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer – India & MENA region Tonic Worldwide, said “UI/UX will be a gamechanger to help the marketers build their brands and enhance user engagement. This is our attempt to make life simpler for the brands. It has been our endeavour to empower our clients with UI/UX as not just another function but a powerful brand building tool.”

Gipsi was launched in 2018 and is being headed and driven by Unmisha Bhatt, Chief Strategy Officer, Tonic Worldwide and Anjali Malthankar, National Strategy Director, Tonic Worldwide.

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