farm-insights announces its new expert service – ‘ESG Performance Report’ for companies to keep a track of their ESG performance on a regular interval


Wednesday, Oct 12, 2022 : farm-insights, today announced the launch of one of its new expert service offering key insights and analytics service for Corporates / Businesses to help them track their ESG performance on a real-time and regular basis. The report will also provide you with a competitive analysis of ESG performance of the company and its key competitors.

The performance is derived from NEWS data and social media chatter of your key stakeholders like Media (Editors to news correspondents), analysts while also keeping a track of conversation from politicos (Local, national and international), bureaucrats,  NGOs, sector or industry leaders and veterans, trade organisations, leadership forums, Industry philanthropist, activists having a direct impact on the NEWS of the company. 

“Why NEWS media? We at farm-insights strongly believe that a significant role is played by the News Media interms of making and breaking the company’s imagery in the minds of key influencers.” Said Sahir Khan, Director, farm-insights. The purpose of ESG isn’t writing a complicated report, it’s investing in all the initiatives inside a company that lead to business benefits and ROI which can then be shared in a report.The report are clear and data-driven, and narrates a story on how the company is practicing better social, environmental and fair outcomes for its internal and external stakeholders, and the ecosystem. 

farm-insights will individually track all NEWS articles and relevant SM chatters for each of the initiatives listed below. The data is then filtered and divided in three key silos and then into key related themes with in them. 

  • Environmental ESG activities include reducing greenhouse gas emissions reduction, carbon accounting, waste reduction and circularity, and managing climate risk.
  • Social ESG activities and initiatives include human rights, labour standards, workplace health and safety, employee diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, as well as social and community impacts.
  • Governance ESG activities and material considerations include company ownership structure, decision-making, corporate policies and oversight structures, leadership diversity, privacy and data security, investor relations, and corporate transparency.

The report will have scoring for initiatives reported, spoken or reviewed by the media. The scoring will be based on the basis of placement of the story/ article, prominence, tonality of the article – sentiment analysis, key theme words, company name or initiative mentioned in the headline, quotes from company spokesperson etc.. The report will also further highlight if the article resonated in the Online news paltforms and key social media platforms. The scoring will also be distinctly done on the key metrics that includes the potential reach, circulation, likes, comments, shares and mainly engagement of the general public in terms of commenting on the article or enquiring about the initiative. farm-insights unique feature – Demalytics will help understanding if the communication reached out the right audience in terms of gender, age, geography, profession, and their interest, hence making the scoring even more reliable. 

farm-insights can back-track the news across all platforms for as much as 3 years. This will help the companies or custodians of the ESG initiative to understand the key nuances of what and when to communicate with the media to achieve the desired performance success rate.