Q1 Report of Sundaram Finance Shows an increase of 6% in Net Profit


As we all know, Sundaram Finance limited is a financial and investment service provider in India. The company offers vehicle loans, wealth management, commercial finance and infrastructure finance, among others. 

A quarterly earnings report is a quarterly filing made by companies to report their performance. Earnings reports include items such as net income, earnings per share, earnings from continuing operations, and net sales. By analysing quarterly earnings reports, investors can begin to gauge the financial health of the company and determine whether it deserves their investment.

Here the report conveys, that the Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC) Sundaram Finance has made a hike of 6% (Rs.166 Crore) in their net profit as per the quarterly analysis. Dated on June 30th when we compared with the previous year’s quarterly profit (ie;157 Crore) this year the company have made a profit of Rs/- 9 crores which shows an increase of 6%.

The report also had disclosed about their “Revenue from Operations” and “Assets Under Management (AMUs). In the previous year the Revenue from Operations was Rs/-930 Crore which has increased to Rs/- 948 Crore this year. Thus, it shows an increment in ROI. The AMUs was at Rs/-29580 Crore as on June 30th 2020, against Rs/-29977 Crore in the year ago period (i.e. 2019). 

The report also conveys that their deposit base crossed Rs/-3700 Crore during the quarter ended June 2020.

Mr.T.T.Srinivas Raghavan, The Managing Director of Sundaram Finance company, told that with monsoon tracking well, the rural economy holds promise. The Passenger car sales are beginning to look up and the in the coming festive season it could prove a shot in the arm for auto manufacturers. According to him the investment of government in the infrastructure sector could provide a boost to the construction equipment segment.

There are various services which are included in Sundaram finance group. The financing made by the company is for the entire range of commercial vehicles, passenger cars and construction equipment as well as they are also focusing on the specially designed working capital products.