RailTel, the Mini Ratan PSU, has launched the premier Wi-Fi Access Network Interface (PM-WANI) program based on accessing its public Wi-Fi services at all 100 railway station services with 2,384 Wi-Fi hotspot’s locations in 22 provinces. These channels are spread across 22 districts and include 71 Category A1, station A and 29 stations of another category. the Executive Director, RailTel., in a program held here today.
PM-WANI is an ambitious Department of Telephone (DoT) program to connect all the beast’s Wi-Fi networks for easy use and increase broadband usage for more people. Government is also planning to extend PM-WANI-based access to the RailTel community.
Wi-Fi services for all 6, 102 railway stations (when Wi-Fi service is already available) in stages by the end of June 2022. A total of 1,000 railway stations on June 10, 3,000 railway stations in June 20 and all 6,102 railway stations June 30, 2022.WiFi hotspots occupy an important place in the last mile connection to transmit broadband internet access to users.
To access this Wi-Fi network, android users can download the ‘Wi-DOT’ mobile app available from the Google Play Store. This application is built in close proximity to C-DOT. This Wi-Fi access via ‘mobile app’ will be added to the existing Wi-Fi access point for these channels using the standard Rail Wire Service Set Identifier (SSID) option.PM-WANI is an initiative of the Department of Telecommunications, Government of India to facilitate the use and increase broadband use C-DOT designed and developed the PM-WANI framework.
Small retailers can become PDOs (Public Data Offices) as mileage access service providers and take resources from PDOAs (PDO aggregators) to access online and background services (ISPs or Wi-Fi service providers).
The government is also planning to extend PM-WANI-based access to RailTel Wi-Fi public services at all 6,102 railway stations in a limited way by the end of June 2022. PM-WANI-based access will make it easier to use one-time Know Your Customer (KYC) to avoid one-time password-based (OTP) password verification, every time someone tries to use a WANI based Community WIFI.
The RailTel Wi-Fi network has now expanded to 6,102 railway stations across the country and has 17, 792 Wi-Fi hotspots, and is growing. RailTel will extend its Wi-Fi measures over Rly Stations through its partnership with more than 7,000 last mile service providers to establish Wi-Fi hotspots in disadvantaged areas, Chawla said.
RailTel is also making continuous efforts to provide broadband internet connectivity in many rural areas as part of India’s digital equipment, Chawla added. Launching the public service, CMD Puneet Chawla said, “RailTel is a highly integrated Wi-Fi network. PM-WANI eco-system, through continuous communication with regulatory agencies and industry actors, to develop a developmental framework”.
The joint venture between C-DOT and RailTel will promote innovation leading to the development, development and distribution of traditional technologies across national networks including Indian Railways, said C-DOT chairman Rajkumar Upadhyay.