RBI intends to examine the impact of its financial literacy programmes.


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) wants to evaluate the impact of its multi-media awareness initiatives promoting financial literacy and safe banking practises.

The RBI’s ‘RBI Kehta Hai’ campaign aims to inform and empower the people about banking regulations as well as good and safe banking practises. SMS, print, television channels, radio, hoardings, websites, and social media were all used in this multi-media, multi-lingual campaign.

The RBI said that selected shortlisted businesses would be required to conduct result and impact assessments of its multilingual, pan-India public awareness initiatives after receiving a request for proposal (RFP).

The RBI said that selected shortlisted businesses would be required to conduct result and impact assessments of its multilingual, pan-India public awareness initiatives after receiving a request for proposal (RFP).

With a focus on regional languages, the RBI campaigns are available in 14 languages: Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.

“As a result, it is the empanelled entity’s responsibility to cover the 14 languages listed above for the planned outcome/impact evaluation of RBI’s public awareness programmes.”

The RFP document states that “campaigns conducted during the year preceding the assessment and during the duration of the assessment shall be a part of the scope.”

According to the document, the selected entity will be responsible for customising the tools for the study, pre-testing the tools and incorporating changes as needed, modifying a questionnaire, FGDs guideline, depth interview schedules as needed, conducting training of data collectors/surveyors, conducting survey and sharing monthly progress reports, analysing results, and preparing draught and final reports.

The ‘ability to recall the campaigns,’ the media on which the ads were viewed, ‘if the campaigns added information that was not previously known,’ and ‘whether any action was done based on the information from the campaigns’ are all important questions to include in the questionnaire.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) oversees the issue and supply of the Indian rupee, as well as the financial industry. It is the bank of banks, as well as the bank of the Government of India and state governments.

The Reserve Bank of India also plays a vital role in consumer protection through promoting financial literacy and awareness.

‘RBI Kehta Hai’ is a multi-media, multilingual campaign that uses SMS, print, television channels, radio, hoardings, websites, and social media to communicate information to the public.

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