Samsung announced to launch Galaxy M42 5G in India on 28th April. The expected price might be between Rs 20,000-25,000. It is said to be most affordable 5G phone in India till now.
Samsung revealed it’s launch window as well as also shared couple of hardware details including the phone’s full design. The M42 will come with a Galaxy F62-like back panel design with quad rear cameras inside a square housing. On the front, it will come with a waterdrop-style notch though, the Galaxy F62 comes with a punch hole. Samsung has confirmed that the Galaxy M42 will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 750G processor paired with up to 8GB RAM. There will be a configuration with 6GB RAM also. Galaxy M42 will be the first M series phone to support Samsung Pay. It will also come with Knox Security features right off the gate. More details are said to be revealed soon. Samsung recently launched the Galaxy S20 FE 5G in the country at an introductory price of Rs 47,999. It was expected that Samsung would launch the Galaxy A52 5G in India soon but instead it has chosen to go few steps ahead and launch a budget 5G phone from M series here. Other companies like Realme and Oppo have started launching 5G phone in India with growing trend and vision to introduce the next gen connectivity, to keep up with that Samsung also announced to launch it’s own 5G phone which can be affordable to people, compared to other phones.