‘Snap the availability chain’ shows how human intervention can help rescue trafficking victims


 A cruel football play perfected by its perpetrators, making it almost impossible to seek out and rescue them. the majority are oblivious to the operations of human traffickers. More importantly, they’re unaware that straightforward human intervention can help ‘snap the provision chain’ and result in the rescue and rehabilitation of victims. this permits the cruel criminal industry to thrive unchecked. To address this issue and lift awareness among the final public, Wunderman Thompson India has collaborated with Sanlaap, a Kolkata-based NGO that rescues and rehabilitates trafficking survivors, to make ‘Snap the provision Chain’, an outside poster campaign integrated with AR technology to captivate and interact with audiences, taking them along a journey of realization, from problem to solution.

Because the eye travels together with the look, the victim’s story unravels, and more details are revealed. The longer spent decoding every detail, the deeper the reference to the viewer. When the posters are scanned using an AR app, the technology brought the artwork to life on their phone screens, engaging audiences by showcasing the availability chains and also the victim’s horrific journey in way more detail. That’s when audiences discover that they’ll intervene and help snap the availability chain.

An interactive feature encourages audiences to tap. Doing so reveals a reversed version where the negative characters flip into good ones, and therefore the victim’s story reverses from the hands of traffickers into the love and care of rehabilitation. These posters and their embedded AR experiences  highlighted the very fact that any quite human intervention, sort of a simple telephone to Sanlaap, can snap the availability chain permanently and save voluminous women out there.

Pinaki Ranjan Sinha, administrator, SANLAAP, had this to say: “Human trafficking all told its forms could be a direct attack on an individual’s rights, respect, and dignity. This app is that the initiative toward upgrading advocacy to the subsequent level. What a good thanks to create and lift awareness about this heinous act.” Priya Shivakumar, Senior National Creative Director, Wunderman Thompson India, explains: “With each piece of stories headlining some crime or the opposite against humanity, people became, at the worst apathetic and at the best resigned to the evil that goes on unchecked within the world.

We wanted the “Snap the Chain” campaign to be some way to not just shed light on the crime, but by making people engage with it through AR, feel involved how it plays with unsuspecting lives and empower them to want they might be part of the answer. a very important message to convey with something like Human Trafficking, is where any clue or intervention at any level can make all the difference. Where a life saved also means hope renewed.”

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