Special Whiskey Based Recipes by Nikhil Jacob, Bengaluru Marriott Hotel Whitefield

Special Whiskey Based Recipes by Nikhil Jacob, Bengaluru Marriott Hotel Whitefield
Special Whiskey Based Recipes by Nikhil Jacob, Bengaluru Marriott Hotel Whitefield
Ingredients Unit
Whiskey 60 ml
Apricot Juice 1 tbs
Passion Fruit Syrup 10 ml
Orange Juice 60 ml
Lime Juice 22 ml
Clarified Cocktail using milk 25 ml
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Portion Size- 1
 Add the Clarified Concoction using milk with the Apricot Jam, Orange juice and the passion
fruit syrup giving it a cleared transparent look to the drink.
 Add the Clarified Concoction, Lime juice and Whiskey into a shaker.
 Shake the Drink thoroughly. The drink after shaking will have a pleasant smell of Whiskey
and apricot
 Strain the mixture in a chilled rock glass.
 Garnish with apricot
Ingredients Unit
Whiskey 60 ml
Basil Leaves 4 leaf
Pineapple Juice 60 ml
Simple Syrup 15 ml
Lime Juice 22 ml
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Portion Size- 1
 Add Basil and chunks of lime into a shaker and gently muddle it.
 Add the lime juice and Simple Syrup.
 Add the Whiskey and pineapple juice and shake the mixture.
 Double strain it in a chilled rock glass
 Garnish with Basil leaf