This daughter’s day, Stayfree® urges you to talk to your sons in a new campaign by DDB Mudra


National | 27 September, 2022: When boys are told to ignore periods and that it’s none of their business, they grow up into men – husbands, fathers, grandfathers – who are uncomfortable talking about it, thus perpetuating the stigma around periods. With the message of including boys in the menstruation conversation, this daughter’s day, Stayfree® has launched a campaign to encourage parents to talk to their sons about periods.

The socially-relevant evocative new film builds on Stayfree’s award-winning campaigns from 2020 and 2021 – ‘It’s just a Period’ and stands testament to the brand’s mission to normalize period conversations in India.

“Stayfree® set about to normalize period conversations to create a world where no girl feels embarrassed of periods. The campaign #itsjustaperiod started this journey 2 years back. This year, Stayfree® urges parents to talk to their sons and tell them it’s just a period. When boys too are part of the conversation, we can truly create a period friendly world. Having an open dialogue and addressing a child’s curiosity of periods can help us build a generation that is free of societal shame around menstruation.” says Manoj Gadgil, Vice President Marketing, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Health, India.