This Driver’s Day, Eicher empowers Drivers with First Aid Skills


Eicher has always put its drivers at the front and centre. But this Drivers’ Day, it wasn’t enough just to celebrate them, rather Eicher set out to empower them.

It is a harsh reality that India sees approximately 44,000 road accidents every year, and almost 10% of these people lose their lives.

It is also true that the truck drivers are among the first to witness such accidents. So, the idea was to train them in vital first aid techniques, that might just help them save lives during those precious few minutes.

Collaborating with Goodmans Rescue, a medical assistance provider, Eicher’s driver community was empowered to do just that! The entire team at Grapes, an integrated communications agency, is proud to be bringing this powerful message to you.

The drivers, they’ve always lent a helping hand, now that hand is trained and laden with necessary medical skills.

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