This National Nutrition Week, Bollywood’s proud mommy Kareena Kapoor and her nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar shares tips for moms-to-be in the audiobook, available on Audible


Listen to the audiobook ‘Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Pregnancy Bible: The Ultimate Manual for Moms-To-Be’, completely free for Audible members

Are you pregnant and tired of receiving contrary advice regarding your health and nutrition? “Eat for two! Enjoy yourself! Don’t overeat – you’ll regret it later? Eat Papaya! Don’t eat Papaya” and so on? Well we have just the solution for you. Listen to the audiobook of Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Pregnancy Bible: The Ultimate Manual for Moms-To-Be, in whichKareena and her celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar offer simple tips for expectant mothers and addresses common concerns about maintaining good health during pregnancy, such as how to eat well, the top three foods to have in each trimester, exercises that can be included and avoided, and many more.

  1. Eating the right way

“Eat ghar ka khana as much as possible, the food you have grown up with and keep your meals small. This is especially the case during pregnancy. However, your health will depend on not just the food you eat, but also on how well your body absorbs these nutrients.” says Rujuta Diwekar in the audiobook on Audible.

She says:

  • Before having breakfast, indulge in fresh fruit and a mix of nuts and dried fruits. Nuts are good sources of iron and dried fruits help in absorbing them.
  • Have a mid-morning snack that ensures to keep you hydrated and energised. For instance, nimbu pani, peanut chikki, sherbet etc. can be considered.
  • Serve dahi with your lunch every day and ensure to have a spoon or two of ghee. It helps with the post-lunch energy slump and hunger cravings.
  • Include a late afternoon snack that can be consumed at 3:30 pm and then around 6:00 pm. This could include anything from a seasonal fruit, fresh fruit milkshake to, ladoo or any homemade snack.
  • Dinner should be a light, easy-to-digest meal which should be consumed no later than 8:30 pm. Stick to rice-based dishes and well-cooked vegetables. Ideally, non-vegetarian food can be included in lunch, considering the ease of digestion.
  • After dinner, have a glass of milk as it can help better sleep and give the additional dose of calcium and protein.

Kareena says, “When I first began working with my nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar, she got me to start the morning with a banana and I’ve stuck to that. It is excellent for your iron and potassium requirements. So, my day always, ALWAYS begins with one banana and five almonds. This has never changed, whether or not I’m pregnant.” She adds, “Breakfast was typically poha upma or 2 idlis. It is the most basic Indian diet and I can’t live without it. I stopped all caffeine during Taimur’s time. My first pregnancy and all right, I want it to be 100% good. I went mostly caffeine free again for my second pregnancy. But I did have half a cup of tea in the morning. I couldn’t do my morning Chai.”

  1. Move a bit and stay healthy

“Pregnancy may seem like the quintessential time to sit back and relax. But unless there are complications, it’s a good idea to move and exercise to stay in shape and also prevent unnecessary pain. Maintaining of good exercise program during pregnancy can help you stay healthy and feel your best.” says Rujuta. Exercising through pregnancy has multiple benefits, including improving stamina, reducing gestational diabetes, and aiding in postpartum recovery. “Exercising through your pregnancy is not only good for you and your baby. It helps to keep up your strength post-delivery, too. I was active throughout. I worked a lot.” says Kareena in the audiobook available on Audible. Here are a few tips that you can follow as a precaution while exercising during pregnancy:

  • Stay well hydrated
  • Avoid lying down on back
  • Avoid standing still for long periods
  • Wear the right gear that supports your body
  • Avoid getting overheated and breathless
  1. Essential nutrients for you and your baby

“Through your pregnancy, you will read about all the nutrients important for you and the baby. It might make your head a little dizzy. Here are the five essential nutrients your body needs during this time. Remember, eating a balanced home-cooked Indian diet and seasonal and local food will meet most of these needs” says Rujuta.

  • Folic Acid: Folic acid is critical, especially during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, because it prevents neural tube defects in the baby, which affect the spine, spinal cord, and brain. Foliage-rich foods include everything from lentils to beets to bananas, nuts and seeds to protein.
  • Protein: Proteins are the bodybuilder that helps develop and repair cells, muscles, tissue and organs. It is vital to the growth and development of the baby. Dals, milk products, eggs, meat and fish, nuts and seeds, and whole grains are good protein sources.
  • Calcium strengthens the baby’s bones, muscles, deep heart and nodes. If enough calcium is not consumed, the growing baby will deplete your body’s resources, which means you’re risking bone loss and osteoporosis later in life. Calcium-rich foods include all dairy products, ragi and sesame seeds
  • Iron: The body uses iron to make extra blood for your baby and you, transfer oxygen to both of you and keep your RBC count up. A good RBC count keeps your energy levels up. Fish meat, eggs, spinach, dried fruits and sesame seeds are all iron-rich.

Pro-tip by Kareena Kapoor Khan “My only after dinner sweet treat and that too, not every day, would be simple homemade yoghurt in which I mix chopped dates, cashews, pistachios and reasons. It was good for me and for my baby and was great for dealing with a spot of indigestion too.”