Wildermart launches Beyond the Cloth Bag Campaign


On the occasion of World Environment Day, Wildermart, a Bangalore-based healthy and sustainable grocery store, has announced a month-long campaign titled “Beyond the Cloth Bag.” This year’s UN theme is “Only One Earth,” focusing on “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature.” Though we believe there is no specific day to come forward and take action to save the environment, let us take time this month to take climate action on an individual level and contribute what we can to combat climate change.

Climate change is a pressing issue today. Daily, we see its impact in every part of the world. Adverse weather conditions have become the norm. And there is an urgent need to do much more. While policy changes are being made, there are many changes that consumers can bring about on an individual level by changing the way they consume. Right now, conscious consumption options abound. Every time consumers make a conscious decision, they pay for and support an environmentally conscious business. And imagine if we all started doing this: it would result in a significant systemic change in ethical and eco-friendly production and distribution.

Beyond the Cloth Bag is a campaign emphasising the importance of climate action. It also shows that we don’t have to wait for significant policy changes for this to happen. We can start small with our everyday consumption and see what kind of ripple effect that has. Using cloth bags and replacing plastic straws is a start, but it is insufficient. We must start doing more. This month, Wildermart will assist in demonstrating to customers the numerous changes that are possible daily. We encourage people to start with the easiest ones and then continue their journey.

“We love that people have become conscious and are making choices in line with the needs of the environment today,” said Shweta Thakur, Founder & CEO of Wildermart. Wildermart aims to make this easier for people. We are focused on effecting change through everyday consumption because it all adds up. When the economics of production shift, so will the impact of large-scale production on the environment.”

“As individuals, there is so much we can do,” she continued. Make those sustainable swaps, and not just with bags and straws. Choose brands that use no plastic packaging. Look for e-commerce platforms that provide emissions-free delivery. Choose natural products that do not emit chemicals into bodies of water or soil. Don’t buy anything you don’t need. And then there’s the food. Regarding combating climate change, our food is the biggest game-changer. Choose organic to protect the topsoil for longer and provide food security for our children. Consume locally. Throw out the imported food that requires a lot of carbon emissions to get to your plate. Try going vegan.

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