Women to actively participate in the Data Science & AI sector in future


In Today’s world, people are more towards technology-driven. Were everyone being busy with this fast-moving life and people are more dependent on digital platforms from ordering food to university classes to board room meetings. This digital life makes us more dependable on it and we can’t imagine a single day without the use of any digital gadgets. This change has started a long time ago when Charles Babbage has invented the computer. But the major credits will be given to “Ada Lovelace” who translated the memoir of Italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea about Charles Babbage’s analytical engine for calculating Bernoulli’s numbers.

As every country is developing but the only thing where all are lagging behind about the women’s contribution to the advancement of technologies. Unfortunately, it is observed that women representation in tech jobs is marginal. Even if every country says that they have considered every gender equally in each sector of work. But as per the report of the National Centre for Women & Information Technology says that the number of women in computing occupations has declined steadily since 1991 when it was highest at 36% which in AI has widened.

Considering the UK, it is seen that women represent only 47% in any organization & in then only 17% of women are working in the industry. As till now, there is no proper study about the percentage of women working in data sciences or AI roles as the growing evidence still proves that there is still a high rate of gender inequality in the tech sectors. The report of Boston Consulting Group describes that only 15 to 22% of present data science professionals are women.

Earlier, this year Analytics Insight study discover that around 30% of women are taking active participation in Data science & other data-oriented jobs, as well as 10% of data teams, do not consisting of any female members in them. As every country is developing but the only thing where all are lagging behind about the women’s contribution to the advancement of technologies. Unfortunately, it is observed that women representation in tech jobs is marginal. Even if every country says that they have considered every gender equally in each sector of work. But as per the report of the National Centre for Women & Information Technology says that the number of women in computing occupations has declined steadily since 1991 when it was highest at 36% which in AI has widened.

Considering the UK, it is seen that women represent only 47% in any organization & in then only 17% of women are working in the industry. As till now, here is no proper study about the percentage of women working in data sciences or AI roles as the growing evidence still proves that there is still a high rate of gender inequality in the tech sectors.

The report of Boston Consulting Group describes that only 15 to 22% of present data science professionals are women. Earlier, this year Analytics Insight study discover that around 30% of women are taking active participation in Data science & other data-oriented jobs, as well as 10% of data teams, do not consisting of any female members in them.

Most of the reports express that this happens due to still women are facing sexual harassment, sexism, gender pay gap, bullying, slow career progression for women, male domination in office culture, gender bias in hiring all these plays a vital role against women for learning the industry by mid-career. Also, it clearly indicates that women have the responsibility to take care of children as well as elderly relatives because they are known to be the primary take care of them. Recently, companies like AT&T, PWC also allowing their male employees to take leaves.

However now, companies are aware of this and how implementing it in every organization which helps the women to actively participate in the data science or AI sector. It also gets increased by the implementation of Govt. policies which make the organization to eliminate pay gap, gender inequality, and include female students to take their active participation in every sector. Lastly by saying a proverb is that ” We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic reshape the conversation to make sure women’s voices are heard & heeded, not overlooked & ignored”.- Sheryl Sandberg.