World Mental Health Day 2023: Five Essential Mental Health Tips To Transform Your Life 

World Mental Health Day 2023: Five Essential Mental Health Tips To Transform Your Life 
World Mental Health Day 2023: Five Essential Mental Health Tips To Transform Your Life 

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), mental health is a complex reality that has varying degrees of response reactions from people. Simple habits such as meditation, journaling, confiding in trusted professionals, maintaining a healthy social life, and implementing a routine of exercise and discipline result in the production of endorphins referred to as feel-good hormones. A surge in these endorphins leads to improved mood, reduced stress levels, and an overall sense of well-being. External factors such as hectic lifestyles, overuse of technology, peer pressure, and heavy workloads affect people of all ages. In fact due to stress-induced environments and hereditary factors, many develop varying mental health conditions right from their childhood. 

This World Mental Health Day, incorporate these expert tips for improved mental health and dealing with complex conditions like OCD and ADHD from Audible titles including Emotional Intelligence, Rewire Your OCD Brain, Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace, A Radical Guide For Women With ADHD, and The Healing Power of Mind.

Develop higher emotional intelligence 

Emotional intelligence is using emotions to inform thinking and using thinking to understand and manage emotions. Although intelligence is important in life, emotional intelligence is the key to thinking clearly.  Being able to interpret why we experience certain emotions with intensity is the first step to creating emotional intelligence. Journaling helps a great deal in processing information that is difficult to deal with or might cause an instant emotional reaction. It’s ideal for people to note down things that make them happy and sad, this way we can rectify the particular instance associated with the emotion we are experiencing and use our intelligence in dealing with it. Secondly, emotional needs that are not actualized such as the need to be seen, understood, or be in control can trigger emotional reactions. This is where our emotional intelligence takes center stage when we learn to react in a conscious way rather than showcasing a trigger reaction. 

Ease your OCD by identifying the stimulant  

The amygdala, an almond-shaped structure in the human brain responsible for regulating decision-making and motivational behaviors to changes in the environment, plays a very influential role in  OCD behavior. It is the part of the brain that produces the defense response, causing one to express defense and emotional experiences such as fear, anxiety, or dread. Sometimes our amygdala may trick us into thinking that a certain situation is dangerous when in reality it isn’t, thus resulting in a triggered fear response. Experiencing feelings of anxiety and fear resulting in compulsive behavior is a central symptom of OCD. A simple method to deal with this symptom is to identify that the amygdala is triggering the response causing anxiety. Once people learn to correct their default thought processes by accepting their flawed emotions – they can redirect their minds to a much more balanced state. This requires individuals to process past trauma, identify triggers, alleviate emotional baggage, embrace acceptance, journal, and take therapy if needed. 

Engage in open and transparent conversations  at work 

Our work can have a profound impact on our mental health and well-being. According to research, most people develop mental health problems as a result of a tumultuous work life. Poor working environment, unrealistic deadlines, bad interpersonal communication, bad interpersonal relationships, heavy workload, and lack of management support can significantly impact an individual’s mental health condition at work. Too often employees are apprehensive to talk to their manager about work-related issues and problems can spiral. Raising awareness and promoting mental health and well-being discussions in an office helps to promote positive attitudes and expectations. Talking openly will make employees feel comfortable initiating conversations with HR support or their line managers when needed.

Understand what triggers your ADHD

People with ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) commonly and reflexively engage in self-protective coping mechanisms, the most ubiquitous of which is hiding the fact that they have a syndrome named ADHD as well as hiding the symptoms. Once the fault lines are mapped and ways ADHD affects daily life are identified, people can start working on ways to set timetables and implement methods to improve their behavior/concentration. This complete and accurate image of oneself and one’s possibilities has to include an integrated understanding of a person’s strengths, weaknesses, challenges, interests, need for support, resources, and especially the enduring character traits they possess that they can depend upon.

Make meditation a part of your daily routine 

Our minds possess the power to heal pain and feel joyous. If we use that power along with proper living, creating a positive attitude, and practicing meditation, we can not only heal mental and emotional afflictions but also physical health problems. Buddhism advocates realizing the unnecessary tension that we create in our lives by identifying the truth of how things really are. Three steps integral to the healing process are: acknowledging setbacks, opening up to them, and cultivating a positive attitude. Anyone can benefit from meditation and a positive attitude to lead a happier and healthier life. Make it a point to start with 10 minutes of meditation and proceed to longer time periods. Do not stress out to meditate like a spiritual master in the first few attempts but rather attempt to gain control over your thoughts and senses. Do this and watch how your life transforms!