Analytics Trends Of 2021


Researchers at the beginning of the COVID crisis indicated that a lot of data and analytics professionals were being asked to gather new sorts of data, do more analyses, and provide more insights. Digital transformation strategies, accelerated, especially in adopting the cloud.

Current data suggests that in 2021, some portion of organizations will move alongside existing staff while others will hire new people to accelerate digital transformation. Organizations will develop new ways of using data, self-service, and advanced analytics (such as machine learning) continued to realize steam in 2020. Surveys state at the demand for machine learning was increasing. The need for talent in the field of machine learning is being addressed by organizations hiring data scientists and by also upskilling their business analysts to become data scientists.

Expected trends of 2020

Machine learning and self-service still be priorities

Demand for machine learning continues to grow. Companies want to become more advanced in analytics to the raised competition. On the sensible side, organizations will be got to determine what proportion of these tools can help them and what is going to be involved in using them. For self-service tooling, data literacy is going to be key and this is often a neighborhood where organizations got to progress. In terms of machine learning, there’s growing interest in automated tools.

Unified platform

A unified data and analytics platform is a tightly integrated suite of tools that provide data management, analytics, and other services. More often these platforms are found within the cloud. More often, too, they utilize a microservices architecture. As organizations make the move to the cloud in 2021, expect to listen to more about cloud data and analytics platforms.


As organizations begin to create more machine learning models and need to place them into production, they’re often looking to containers to assist them. Containerization involves packaging up software code and everyone its dependencies during a container therefore the software can run on practically any infrastructure.

Some companies that have survived the crisis of the pandemic will become stronger and nimbler, partially thanks to the role of knowledge and analytics in their organization. Search for 2021 to be a shake-out year for organizations as they adapt to the new normal and modernize accordingly.