Benefits like fixed income return, risk cover, tax benefit; but a good plan?


In exchange for a predetermined payment, life insurance policies provide reimbursement to the nominee in the event of death. The nominee, whose name is listed in the contract of a life insurance policy, receives the stipulated sum insurance from the insurer in the event of an unfortunate occurrence such as the policyholder’s permanent incapacity or death.

Traditional insurance policy vs. whole life insurance

These are the plans that offer various benefits to policyholders, including a set income return, risk coverage, and tax benefits. According to experts, these programs are intended for people with low-risk tolerance.

Traditional insurance plans protect policyholders for the rest of their lives. For example, if the policyholder dies, the insurer will pay out to the beneficiaries.

According to experts, these plans, which combine insurance and investment, are largely used for wealth development while providing a modest amount of safety.

Traditional insurance policies are further classified into two types:

Endowment plans – Under this plan, the policyholder or nominee receives a lump payment as well as incentives at maturity or death. On the death of the policyholder, these policies pay out the money covered plus a bonus to the nominee. It should be noted that the bonus is only given for the years that the policyholder lived while the policy was active. If the policyholder survives the period, the maturity funds will be paid to the insured, coupled with a guaranteed bonus or profit after the term.

Endowment plans have a significantly greater premium than term policies and must be paid for a set period of years.

Moneyback plans — In addition to providing live coverage during the policy’s term, the plan also provides maturity benefits that are paid in instalments. It should be noted that the pay out with this policy is staggered and given at predetermined, regular periods. If the insurer survives, he or she will also receive a bonus at maturity. According to experts, this approach may be used to attain goals such as a child’s education, marriage, and so on.

Moneyback plans have a higher cost than term plans, which are similar to endowment plans in that the payment is split between insurance and investment.

According to industry experts, these policies should be pursued if one has little knowledge of investment or is incapable of exercising discipline when investing. Traditional plans, according to financial advisers, should be avoided since they provide a modest sum covered with low returns.

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