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HomeArticlesCadbury’s Crème Egg ad: Featuring Gay couple draws criticism

Cadbury’s Crème Egg ad: Featuring Gay couple draws criticism

The ad was launched for the 50th anniversary of the Creme Egg.

Cadbury UK launched a special ad for its Crème Egg brand in the first week of January as it was meant for the 50th anniversary of the egg-shaped chocolate.

It was the sharers that a few individuals online fall afoul. As the Crème Egg was kept between their mouths, we saw them take a slice with the real-life gay couple Callum Sterling and Dale K Moran as the voice-over says “ Sharers? With that, we’re done with”.

Cadbury said in a statement emailed to Ad Age “Both by its products or brand promotions, Cadbury has long been a positive brand that promotes a message of inclusion. We are proud of our Golden Goobilee commercial that celebrates the various ways a Cadbury Creme Egg can be appreciated by all. A clip of a real-life couple enjoying a Cadbury Creme Egg was used in the commercial to highlight this and showcase the love our goods offer”.

And Cadbury replied as to whether the ad in COVID-era Britain was healthy and hygienic.: “The movie’s actors were from the same house, so they were egg-static to share a wonderful Cadbury Creme Egg together! We have ensured that social distancing and stringent sanitation measures were taken while shooting the new commercial.”.

Cadbury, owned by Mondelez, has defended the new U.K campaign of Cadbury crème egg. Since the spot received both celebrity acclaim and homophobic trolling on social media, the Cadbury Creme Egg advertisement in which a gay couple moves a Creme Egg from mouth to mouth.

The advertisement was created by the Elvis agency to mark the 50th anniversary of the Cadbury Creme Egg or “Golden Goo-bilee” as it dubs it and celebrates all the many ways people enjoy it, including chewing, frying, frying, and sharing with them. The campaign was created by Elvis agency to mark the 50th anniversary of the Cadbury Creme Egg or “Golden Goo-bilee” (as in “jubilee,” get it?). It was introduced on January 4 and is aimed particularly at 16-34 year-olds, with the larger campaign involving Mondelez U.K.’s debut on Tik Tok.

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