Call for Action Event for Decarbonization Business Charter (DBC) in Bengaluru to Advance Low-Carbon Practices in The Construction & Building Industry

Call for Action Event for Decarbonization Business Charter (DBC) in Bengaluru to Advance Low-Carbon Practices in The Construction & Building Industry
Call for Action Event for Decarbonization Business Charter (DBC) in Bengaluru to Advance Low-Carbon Practices in The Construction & Building Industry

This is a joint effort by WRI India, AEEE, Mahindra Lifespaces, and EcoCollab developed after  engaging with 150+ key stakeholders from the building and construction industry 

The Call for Action is part of a series of 3 events in Metropolitan Cities supported by the Swiss  Agency for Development and Cooperation, active in the field of energy efficiency and low emission development 

Media Contacts 

Supriya Gulati, AEEE, Manager 

Shirish Bhardwaj, AEEE, Senior Research Associate, 9464486994, 9654933324 

[email protected] 

Bengaluru, September 12, 2023: India’s building and construction industry currently works at the  intersection of a diverse and fragmented value chain made of different actors with significant societal  and environmental impacts. To keep their impacts in check, a Call for Action Event as part of the  Decarbonisation Business Charter (DBC) a joint collaborative effort by WRI India, Alliance For an  Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE), EcoCollab and Mahindra Lifespace Developers was held on  September 12 in Bengaluru. 

As part of the charter, stakeholder consultations were organized to identify key actions for the value  chain across the building and construction sector. It outlines actions for architects, designers,  developers, contractors, property owners, facility managers, material manufacturers, and industry  bodies that will be imperative for the sector to transition towards a low-carbon pathway. 

By adopting a value chain approach, the Decarbonisation Business Charter is a movement bringing  together stakeholders across the entire lifecycle of buildings for collective effort in fostering  sustainability and achieving a more ecologically responsible building and construction industry. 

The real estate sector in Bangalore, like many other urban centers, faces several sustainability  challenges. These issues are driven by rapid urbanization, population growth, and economic  development in the city. The major issues are listed below: 

• Waste Management: Inadequate waste management practices in construction sites and  residential areas contribute to environmental pollution. Effective recycling and waste disposal  systems are lacking in many parts of the city. As per the estimates, construction and  demolition waste in Bangalore ranges from 3,500 to 4,100 tonnes per day.  

• Water Scarcity: Over-extraction of Groundwater: Bangalore heavily relies on groundwater for  its water supply, and excessive extraction by real estate projects has led to declining water  tables. Moreover, Improper drainage systems in many real estate projects exacerbate  flooding during the monsoon season.  

• With the fast paced growth of infrastructure in Bengaluru, the city is going to consume a huge  amount of natural resources and will lead to higher embodied carbon from building sector.  

The special address at the Call for Action event was delivered by Mr. Amarnath N., CEO, Karnataka  Renewable Energy Development Limited (KREDL). While the keynote address was delivered by Mr.  Jonas Brunschwig, Swissnex in India, Consulate General of Switzerland, Bangalore mentioned that this year Switzerland, India are celebrating 75 years of Indo Swiss friendship, this cooperation will continue  on strong footing and we can build over the next 75 years. 

Mr. Guruprakash Sastry, Head Climate Action, INFOSYS, said, India has committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2070, requiring coordinated efforts across all sectors. Infosys, an enterprise with a  forward-thinking approach, achieved net-zero status in 2020, demonstrating that energy efficiency is  economically viable. The case study presented delves into Infosys’s vision, strategy, and financial  commitments, highlighting its successful journey toward net-zero emissions. It aims to inspire others  to pursue energy efficiency and sustainability, providing strategies and evidence-based research to  instilling confidence in stakeholders’ efforts to reach net-zero emissions. From 2008 to 2020, Infosys  was able to avoid 2.36 billion KWh through energy efficiency efforts while the company size increased  3 times between that period. Moreover, through sustainability efforts Infosys was able to reduce its  Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 75% during the period of FY2008 and FY2020. This signifies that  through energy efficiency and renewable energy implementation it is possible to decouple growth  from GHG emissions.  

Mr. G.C. Modgil, Senior Fellow ASHRAE, CEO – Sterling India, provided a glimpse of real-world  applications and success stories from their ongoing and finished projects across various building types,  all achieving NetZero status. He further stated, “These projects showcase the cutting-edge  technological innovations employed by Sterling India and highlight the pivotal role of smart building  systems in optimizing energy utilization and reducing carbon emissions. From commercial structures  to residential complexes, Sterling India is revolutionizing the construction industry by demonstrating  that NetZero is not just a concept but a practical reality. Dive into their portfolio and gain valuable  insights into the sustainable future of our built environment, where innovation meets environmental  responsibility.”.  

Dr. Srinivas Shroff Nagesha Rao, Consultant, UNDP, said, Steel is a key ingredient in the  construction of buildings. UNDP’s work in last one and half decade in decarbonizing steel production  in the Mini Steel Plants in India were highlighted during the presentation. These interventions presented not only reduce carbon footprint in industry sector but also help decarbonizing buildings  sector as steel is one of the key contributors to embodied energy in buildings. He further highlighted on, “Decarbonizing steel contributes to triple benefits – reducing energy bills to producer, reducing  GHG emissions and reducing local pollution. Direct rolling is a game changer in avoiding reheating of  steel in steel rerolling mill – one of the significant energy consuming processes altogether.” 

Commenting on the Call for action event Dr. Manjunatha L.R., Vice President – Direct Sales &  Sustainability Initiatives, JSW Cement Limited said, Construction industry is responsible for about  40 percent of the energy consumption 30% of the Green House Gas emissions and 10% of the dust  emission and air pollution world over. As we continuously aim for economic growth with  infrastructure and housing developments for our ever-growing demands, reducing carbon footprint  in constructions is the need of the hour. There is a need that stakeholder like architects, engineers  and builders should adopt low carbon materials like blended cements, green steels, low carbon  concretes and plasters in their constructions. This event will really bring all the stakeholders together  on a single platform to discuss, analyze and implement actional goals to decarbonize the building  industry.