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HomeArticlesLatest from Marketing WorldChemicals in common household products increase male infertility: Research

Chemicals in common household products increase male infertility: Research

May 16, 2014: According to a recent study undertaken by Prof. Niels Skakkebaek of Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark and Timo Strunker of the Centre of Advanced European Studies and Research in Bonn, German published in The EMBO Journal, it has been found that chemicals in common household products has a direct effect on the male infertility. This startling report observed that chemicals that are used in toothpaste, soap and plastic toys have a direct impact on human sperm.

It is also reported in the research that 30 out of 96 commonly used chemicals in household products had a direct effect on the “catsper” protein which control the motility of sperm cells. This study is first of its kind in which a direct effect has been found on male infertility. With the result of this study coming out concerns are being raised about the hidden toxicity of chemicals which are said to be safe by toxicology tests.

Quoting what Professor Skakkebaek told The Independent, “In my opinion, our findings are clearly of concern as some endocrine-disrupting chemicals are possibly more dangerous than previously thought. However, it remains to be seen from forthcoming clinical studies whether our findings may explain reduced couple fertility which is very common in modern societies.”

In the coming days it is for sure that FMCG companies would be reeling under heavy pressure to explain their stand on this research report till then questions will be raised about the use of these so called “non-toxic” chemicals and how non toxic are they. It would also be debatable if it is ethical to use these types of chemicals in products which are extensively used on a daily basis by human beings.

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