College Vidya Launches चर्चा with Founders Series features Mayank Kumar, Founder of UpGrad


College Vidya, a one-stop solution for making informed online education choices, is proud to announce the launch of its new series titledचर्चा with Founders’. This unique initiative aims to shed light on the rapidly evolving ed-tech industry and provide a platform for renowned leaders to share their experiences, insights, and guidance with budding entrepreneurs, education enthusiasts, and aspiring learners seeking to make informed choices in their online education journey. The ed-tech industry has witnessed significant growth and transformation in recent years, playing a pivotal role in revolutionizing traditional education. To recognize the achievements of visionary leaders and promote dialogue within the industry, College Vidya has taken the initiative to bring forth the चर्चा with Founders series.

The inaugural episode of the series features Mayank Kumar, the Founder of UpGrad, a prominent name in the ed-tech space. Mayank Kumar, an industry veteran and thought leader, discussed his journey, the challenges he faced, and the valuable lessons he learned along the way. Sharing some heart-touching learner stories, he shed light upon how online learning has benefited learners from tier 2 and tier 3 cities to excel towards their dreams. Insights from Mayank will inspire aspiring learners & entrepreneurs and provide them with a wealth of knowledge to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the ed-tech industry.

The ‘चर्चा with Founders’ series will be an opportunity for individuals to gain in-depth knowledge about the edtech sector from the most influential minds in the industry. Through these interviews, College Vidya aims to foster a community of learning, collaboration, and innovation, enabling budding entrepreneurs to make informed decisions and shape the future of education.

“We are thrilled to launch the ‘चर्चा with Founders’ series”, said Rohit Gupta, COO of College Vidya. “The ed-tech industry is growing at an unprecedented rate, and it is crucial to learn from the trailblazers who have made a significant impact. This series will provide a platform for leaders to share their insights, challenges, and successes while offering valuable guidance to those embarking on their entrepreneurial journey.”

Each episode of the “चर्चा with Founders” series will feature a prominent ed-tech founder or CEO, presenting a unique opportunity for viewers to gain insights into the industry’s trends, advancements, and best practices. The series aims to encourage meaningful discussions and collaborations, promoting innovation and progress in the ed-tech ecosystem.

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