In 15 years, India’s favourite reality show Colors Bigg Boss has become a television phenomenon. The hit show’s 16th season tops non-fiction. The show has provided unprecedented glamour and entertained audiences with its engaging content and grand new elements year-after-year. After six weeks, Colors had 127 million viewers and Voot 600 million. Bigg Boss 16 topped the non-fiction category on Colors Digital with a 3 billion reach, 1 billion views, and 97% share of voice.
Over the past 15 years, Bigg Boss has become a huge platform for brands to collaborate, giving advertisers a great platform to reach their target audience. Sponsorships give brands multiple touchpoints to engage and collaborate. Ad spots, task integrations, branded segments, special zones, and other peripheral branding opportunities highlight brands during the show.
The team has partnered with Priyagold Hunk Chocolates as “Taste Partner” for the 16th season of Bigg Boss to offer contestants delicious treats with a twist.
Chocolatier. The “Priyagold Hunk Chocolate Station” belongs to the house captain, the real “Hunk.” Thus, it empowers contestants to share chocolates with housemates, creating organic consumption moments in the storyline. This increased target audience engagement.
Shekhar Agarwal, director of Priya old Hunk Chocolates, said, āThis year the Bigg Boss house has greeted with a sweet surprise with our coveted Priyagold Hunk Chocolate Station. The Bigg Boss “Hunk” can share the chocolates with the other housemates as they please. We hope this hit reality show is the first of many. The collaboration has helped us expand into tier II and III cities and gain traction as a premium chocolate bar across consumer segments.ā
“Bigg Boss is a unique format with daily engagement and part of most daily conversations and has reinforced itself as the No. 1 Non-fiction show in the GEC genre,” says Pavithra KR, Head, Revenue, Colors, Viacom18. Brands can use the platform to tell stories and create organic moments. Advertisers love Bigg Boss. Creatively, the brand becomes part of the narrative, which enhances the format’s immersive experience.
The 16th season of Bigg Boss aims to engage, excite, and entertain brand partners. To help brands create a powerful and impactful narrative that can build a lasting connection with the audience through content in multiple markets across geo-social cross-sections in India.
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